CJE Benchmark Exams: View Reports and Release Results

After the exam-takers have completed an assessment, you can view the Individual Strengths & Opportunities Report (S&O) for each exam-taker. You also can view a Summary Report with the overall results. In both reports, you can compare class performance and national performance (if available). When ready, you can release the results to the exam-takers.

Procedure Overview

  1. Combined Reporting
  2. View the Individual S&O reports
  3. View the Summary Report
  4. Release the results


Combined Reporting

  1. Navigate to the assessment.
  2. Select the Reporting tab. Selecting this button will allow you to see a combined report view of multiple linked assessments.

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  3. The Linked Assessment notification indicates that the results being viewed includes two or more linked assessments, which allows you to view combined results and data.
    1. Selecting an assessment on the list will show you data for that specific assessment.

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  4. Complete the following steps after all exam-takers have completed the assessment.
      1. Navigate to the assessment.
      2. Select the Reporting tab.
      3. Update any scores (if applicable) by selecting the Update Scores button.

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  5. Select the report that you want to view.
    • The Individual Strengths & Opportunities (S&O) Report shows each exam-taker's score, along with their performance in each category. You can compare the individual's performance to the class and national averages. See: S&O Reports
    • The Summary Report shows the number of exam-takers who scored in each percentile, along with the overall performance in each category. You'll be able to compare the class average to the national average overall and for each category. See: Summary Report


View the S&O Reports

Within the Reporting tab the Students option (S&O Report option) is displayed automatically. The exam-takers are listed with the percentage correct and the total points earned.

Decide which exam-taker's report to view first. Then, select the eye icon. (You'll be able to navigate among them later.)

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S&O Report - Student Overview Section

In the top section of the report, you'll see this exam-taker's score and statistics, along with a comparison to the class average, national average, class percentile, and national percentile.



S&O Report - Category Performance Section

In this section, you can see this exam-taker's performance in each category. 

  1. Refer to the icon descriptions(at the top).
  2. Use the bar graph to compare the student's average to the class average and the national average (if available).
    • Also refer to the Status column to see if the student's performance is considered as Needs Improvement, Needs Review, or Doing Well.




S&O Report - Navigation and Other Options

At the top of the screen, you can navigate among the exam-takers, print the report, or return to the main page.


  • To navigate among the exam-takers: Select Previous (on the left) or Next (on the right).
  • To print this student's report: Select Print (near the top right).

  • To return to the Insight Reports main page: Select Back (at the top right).


Summary Report

Within the reporting tab, select the Summary button to display the Summary Report.



Summary Report: Assessment Performance Section

This section features a histogram that shows the number of exam-takers who scored in each percentile. You also can see the national average (if available), the class average, the low score, and the high score.



Summary Report: Category Performance Section

In this section, you can see the overall performance in each category. Refer to the icon descriptions  (at the top right). Then, use the bar graph (on the left) to compare the class average to the national average (if available). 



Release the Results

  1. After viewing the S&O Report and the Summary Report, go back to the Reporting page. 
  2. Select the Release Results button.

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  3. Select the Report Sections to include.

  4. You have full control over the details to include, the exam-takers who will receive the report, and the date and time of the release. The selected exam-takers will be able to review their Individual Strengths & Opportunities (S&O) Report by going to institution’s ExamSoft portal and logging into their account.
  5. In the Schedule section, select Release Now or enter a Future Date.
  6. In the Students section, select the exam-takers that you want to receive the results.
    • Adjust the pagination if needed to show more students per page.
    • Use the Find Students box if you need to find a particular exam-taker.
    • When you release the results, the selected exam-takers will be able to view their results by logging into their ExamSoft student portal.

  7. Repeat, as needed, until you've released the results to all students that you want to receive the report.
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