Upload FAQs



Confirming Successful Upload

Problem Next Steps

I'm not sure if my exam uploaded successfully.


I received a green checkmark, but my professor can't see my exam in the portal.

  1. After you've uploaded your exam, you will see a green checkmark beside the name of the exam. 
  2. Login to your ExamSoft portal to confirm an upload date and time for your exam.
  3. Check your student email inbox for an upload confirmation.
  4. Visit Status to see if there are any delays in ExamSoft's uploading services.


Upload Issues

Problem Next Steps

I am unable to upload my exam answer file.

  1. Restart your device and relaunch the Examplify app to refresh the application.
  2. If you continue experiencing issues, you'll need to manually upload your exam. You can follow these instructions for PC, or you can follow these instructions for iPad.

If these steps do not resolve the problem, contact ExamSoft support.


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