In this guide:
- Adding new questions to an Exam
- Adding previously created questions to an Exam
- Moving Questions Between Courses
- Editing Category Tagging Privileges
Adding new questions to an Exam
- On the Build Assessment page, follow the same procedures as detailed in Add Questions to an Assessment.
Adding previously created questions to an Exam
- Select the green plus button (on the left side of the page).
- Select Find Questions.
- Select the Filter option next to the search bar above the table.
- Turn on the Course toggle to access questions outside this course.
- Select your course using one of the following ways:
- In the Course search field, start typing to search a list of Content Banks and select the one you want.
- Select the Browse More link and on the Add Courses and Content Banks to Question Filter page, select the Courses or Content Banks from the list to add to the Question Filter.
- To view a Content Banks Sub-Banks, on the Content Banks tab, select a Banks name.
- To include a Course or Bank in your search results, select the plus button.
- To include and select all of the Course or Bank items you see in the table, select the plus button in the header row.
- Select Save. You will be taken back to the Add Courses and Content Banks to Question Filter page.
- In the Course search field, start typing to search a list of Content Banks and select the one you want.
- Select Save.
Moving Questions Between Courses
- Go to the Course or Bank that has the questions you want to move.
- Select the Questions tab (at the top of the screen).
- To select an individual question, select the checkbox next to the question title.
- To select all questions, select the Question Title checkbox in the header row.
- Select Move at the bottom of the page.
- Select the Course or Bank in one of the following ways:
- In the Move modal, in the search field, start typing the course or bank name and then select it from the list.
- Select Move.
- In the Move modal, select the Browse All option.
- Go to the Content Banks tab, and select a Banks Name to go to its Sub-Banks.
- Select the Bank or Course you want as a destination.
- Select Save in the top right corner of the pop-up window.
- In the Move modal, select Move.
- In the Move modal, in the search field, start typing the course or bank name and then select it from the list.
Editing Category Tagging Privileges
Manage permissions for categories on the Category Management page.
- Log in to your ExamSoft portal.
- Select the Admin menu (near the top right corner of the page).
- Select Category Management.
- Enter the category name or ID in the search box above the list. After you find a category, you can edit the details or add, edit, or remove sub-categories.
- You can make the following edits to department tagging privileges:
- To block people from tagging questions with this category type, select the Lock the ability checkbox.
- To assign tagging permissions to an admin within a specific department, Course, or Content Bank:
- Use the Department Tagging Privileges input field to search for or browse the department.
- To search for a department name, enter a few characters, and then select a department from the list. After you select a department, you have the option to select only specific courses or Content Banks within the department.
- To browse a list of departments, select the Browse More option.
- On the new page that appears, select both Courses and Content Banks.
- Go to the Content Banks tab, and select a Bank’s Name to view its Sub-Banks.
- Select the plus button for each Course or Bank you want to include, or select the plus button in the header row to select all of the items you see in the table.
- Use the Department Tagging Privileges input field to search for or browse the department.
- To make this category for internal use only and not have it included in student reports, select the Internal Use Only checkbox near the bottom of the page.