This document was created to support ExamSoft customers with questions about the upcoming beta program for our migration tooling.
What is the beta migration?
The beta migration focuses on testing the efficacy of tooling developed by the Turnitin
Product team to move artifacts (data) from the ExamSoft’s Legacy portal to the Enterprise
What is the “Enterprise” portal?
The Enterprise portal is ExamSoft’s “newer” portal offering, first released in 2017. As of
today, we have more than 1,000 customers using it. While similar to Legacy, Enterprise
offers a distinct streamlined workflow for exam-makers.
Is this a beta test of the ExamSoft Enterprise portal?
No, as the Enterprise portal is not a new product. The. beta specifically focuses on the
tooling and processes used to migrate Legacy customers to the Enterprise portal.
What does it mean to be a participant in the beta migration?
Participants in the beta migration essentially act as user testers, working with our Product
team to validate that the tooling works as intended in a live environment. As a user tester,
customers will agree to move to the Enterprise portal and provide regular feedback to our
team during the process.
Can beta participants still use the Legacy portal after the beta ends?
No. Participants will be fully migrated to Enterprise during the beta, and will use this portal
exclusively moving forward. However, customers will have read-only access to Legacy until
we migrate postings and history.
If it’s a beta, is it possible that the migration fails?
Yes. The nature of a beta test includes some probability of failure, which is why we are
working with a select group that meets the appropriate criteria.
What happens if the beta migration fails?
In the unlikely event that the beta does not work in a defined cohort period, our Product
team has mitigation strategies in place that ensures customers will still be able to use their
Legacy portal as normal.
Why are you moving customers off of the Legacy portal?
Long term, Turnitin plans to sunset the Legacy portal and invest in our Enterprise portal as
a scalable solution to meet evolving customer needs.
When will we sunset Legacy?
Our current plan is to sunset Legacy fully in the next three years. While we move toward
this date, we will migrate customers off Legacy in segments, depending on tooling capacity,
usage, integrations, and other factors. As it stands, the beta group will be the first
customers to migrate, validating a path forward for all other customers.
What are the benefits of migrating to the Enterprise portal?
While the Enterprise portal has many of the features you know and love about Legacy, it
also offers improved accessibility for a streamlined user experience, scalability for future
updates, and clearer compliance to security protocols.
How long will migrating customers have access to their Legacy database?
Legacy access will be changed to read-only upon completion of migration to Enterprise. It
will be deactivated for all users once postings and history are available.
How will customers be supported during the migration?
Making this process seamless is our top priority. An onboarding consultant will be
assigned to support you throughout the migration process. In addition, customers will have access to group Q&A sessions and supporting resources including access to online training content and the Migration Hub, streamlining resources relevant to the migration process.
How long does a migration take from Legacy to Enterprise?
Our recommended timeframe from the project's kickoff to project completion is 12 weeks. There is significant work required to set up a new Enterprise portal. Turnitin’s will provide customers with on-demand Enterprise portal training and will provide best practices for organizing data. Depending on the customer, their team's bandwidth, and the volume of data in the Legacy portal, this process can be expedited or extended.
What data will the migration tool move over?
The migration tool will migrate the following artifacts:
- Questions
- Assessments
- Courses
- Categories
- Pre-Assessment notices
- Student users
- Faculty users
What are content banks?
Content banks allow users to categorize data in the Enterprise portal in a similar manner to
Legacy portal. For more information, check out our Content Banks guides.
What does the process look like for migrating customers?
Customers preparing for migration will receive on-demand Enterprise training materials and guidance on best practices for organizing and auditing their Legacy portal ahead of the migration. A migration date will be scheduled, during which your team must observe a mandatory 3-day portal blackout. During this period, all users should refrain from accessing either portal.
Whenever possible, we recommend aligning your migration date with a natural break in your academic or operational calendar, such as between semesters. After the migration, your team will need to complete a series of checks to ensure everything has transitioned successfully. For detailed steps, refer to the Migrate to Enterprise with Confidence article.