Legacy Portal: Assign Categories to Questions


There are two ways to add category tags to questions:

Note: For a video guide, see the recorded webinar "The What, Why, and How of ExamSoft's Most Powerful Tool, Categories!" (link opens in YouTube)


Add or Edit a Category Tag While Creating or Editing a Question

  1. While creating or editing a question, go to the Categories section (on the left side of the screen), and then select Add or Remove Category.


  2. Make your changes in the pop-up window:
    • To remove a category: Select the X button.
    • To add a category: In the pop-up window, search or navigate to find the category that you want to add. Your selections will appear on the right side of the pop-up window.


    • When you finish making changes, select the Done button (at the bottom of the pop-up window).
  3. When you finish editing this question, select Save (near the bottom of the screen).

Tagging sub-categoires

Tagging a question that includes a sub-category does not automatically tag the question to the super-categories above it.

If a question needs to be tagged to a super-category, the admin will need to tag the question within the super-category structure.


Bulk-Tag Multiple Questions with the Same Categories

  1. Select the Questions menu (at the top of the screen).

    The main area of the page displays your most recently revised questions.

  2. If needed, search or select a folder (on the left side of the screen) to find the questions that you want to tag.
  3. To see the currently assigned categories (if any), select the Add Columns button, and then select Categories


  4. In the table, select the checkbox for each question that you want to tag with the same category or categories.
  5. At the bottom of the screen, select Questions Bulk Edit Options.


  6. In the dropdown menu, select Change Category Assignments.


  7. Select the Add Categories button, and then make your selections in the pop-up window.
    • To see the sub-categories, select the plus icon.
    • To select a category, select the checkbox.
    • When you finish selecting categories, scroll down to the bottom of the pop-up window, and then select the Select button.


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