P1 Readiness Exam: Release Category Performance

The P1 Readiness Exam is designed to identify at-risk students early on for proactive support. The overall exam score (percentile or raw score) should not be shared with students, only the category performance is intended to be shared with students as a valuable tool for remediation. 


Instructions on How to Only Release Category Performance 

  1. Navigate to the Reporting page.
  2. Select the Release Results button.


  1. Select the Category Performance checkbox

*Please note it is critical not to release the scores and only share Category Performance

  1. In the Schedule section, select Release Now or enter a Future Date.
  2. In the Students section, select the exam-takers that you want to receive the category performance results.
    • Adjust the pagination if needed to show more students per page.
    • Use the Find Students box if you need to find a particular exam-taker.
    • When you release the category performance, the selected exam-takers will be able to view their results by logging into their ExamSoft student portal.
  3. Repeat as needed until you've released the category performance to all students that you want to receive the report.
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