How to Disable Automatic Operating System Updates

When Apple and Microsoft release new operating system updates, to prevent issues while testing, please ensure you do not update your device to a newly released operating system, including beta versions, until ExamSoft certifies compatibility with Examplify. 

Before the new operating system is released, ensure that automatic updates are disabled on your device until the operating system is certified as being compatible with Examplify. You can see currently supported operating systems in our Minimum System Requirements.



  1. On your Mac, choose Apple menu icon in the top left of your screen.
  2. Select System Preferences; then, select General. Open the Software Update tab.
    Exam Soft - Frame 152.jpg
  3. The Off/On status is indicated next to the information icon. If you need to change the status from On to Off, select the information icon next to automatic updates. 
    Exam Soft - Frame 153.jpg

  4. Then, toggle each selection to off. 
    Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 1.53.22 PM.png
  5. Once all of the toggles are in the off position, select Done, and you will then see the Automatic updates status change to Off
    Exam Soft - Frame 154.jpg

Windows 11

  1. Open Settings
  2. Click on “Windows Update”
  3. Click the dropdown for "Pause updates" and choose the number of weeks (up to five) for which to disable automatic updates on Windows 11


Windows 10

  1. Open Settings
  2. Click on Update & Security”
  3. Click on “Windows Update”
  4. Use the dropdown for “Pause until” to temporarily pause automatic updates  


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