Legacy Portal: Manage Accommodation Rules

Accommodation Rules are assigned to individual Exam-Takers to provide them additional accommodations during their exams including increased time, spell check, or non-secure settings. When an accommodation is assigned to an Exam-Taker, it does not affect the security options or features for all other Exam-Takers in the course. 

To assign accommodation rules, accommodation groups must first be established for the account. Then Exam-Takers are assigned to groups that specify assessment rules.

Note: Accommodation rules will apply to all assessments taken by the selected exam-takers.



Set Up Accommodation Rules on Account

  1. In order to add Exam-Takers to Accommodation Groups, contact our Support team. Accommodation Rules can have any combination of the following options:
    • Percent of time limit – increase time limit for each exam
    • Security Disabled – provides a non-secure version of the exam for an Exam-Taker (enabling access to other applications)
    • Spell check enabled – enables spell checker even if it was disabled for the exam
  2. You can check what accommodation rules are in place by visiting the Global Settings page of your portal.


Assign Accommodation Rules Manually

  1. Select the Exam-Takers tab at the top of the screen.
  2. Find the Exam-Taker you need to add the accommodation to, and select the pencil icon in the Actions column.
  3. Select an accommodation rule from the drop-down menu.
  4. After selecting the Accommodation Rule, select Save


    • The Accommodation Rules for each Exam-Taker can be viewed under the Exam-Takers tab.
    • A separate column can be added to this view by selecting it from the gear icon.
    • For these accommodations to take effect, they must be in place prior to a student downloading an assessment.


Assign Accommodation Rules on Import

  1. Navigate to the Exam-Takers tab.
  2. Select Import Exam-Takers.
  3. When importing an Exam-Taker file, each person can be assigned their own accommodation rule.

    Note: For these accommodations to take effect, they must be in place prior to a student downloading an assessment.


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