Enterprise Portal: Set Up Your Moodle Integration

Before You Begin

The integration requires Moodle version 3.3 or above.

In your LMS, publish the courses. Courses must be published before they can be synced in Examsoft.




Enable Moodle Web Services

The following steps will set up the web services portion of the Moodle integration. All of these features can be found under the Site Administration section of your Moodle instance with the appropriate admin level permissions.

  1. In your Moodle instance, navigate to Site Administration and go to the Advanced Features section.
  2. Select the checkbox next to Enable Web Services, and select Save Changes.


  3. Select the Server tab, and navigate to the Web Services section.
  4. Select Manage Protocols.
  5. Enable REST Protocol and save your changes.


  6. Under Web Services, select External Service.
  7. Select Add a Custom Service and enter these values:
    • For Name, enter: ExamSoft
    • For Short Name, enter: ExamSoft
    • Select the checkbox for Enabled


    • Select Save Changes.
  8. Return to list of External Services, find the ExamSoft service that you created, and select the Functions
  9. Select Add Functions.
  10. Add each of these functions:
    • core_course_get_contents
    • core_course_get_course_module
    • core_course_get_courses
    • core_course_get_courses_by_field
    • core_course_search_courses
    • core_enrol_get_enrolled_users
    • core_grades_update_grades
    • core_grading_get_definitions
    • core_group_get_course_groups
    • core_group_get_group_members
    • core_user_get_users
    • core_user_get_users_by_field
    • core_webservice_get_site_info
    • gradereport_user_get_grade_items
    • mod_assign_get_grades
  11. Return to the Web Services section, and select Manage Tokens.
  12. Select Add, and enter the following information:
    • For User, select an Admin User.
    • For Service, select the ExamSoft service.
    • For IP Restriction, leave the field empty.
    • For Valid until, do not enable.
  13. Select Save Changes.

    Important: You'll need to enter the token into your LMS Integration settings in the next procedure. We recommend that you copy all information to a Notepad or Word file for later use.


Configure the LMS Integration in Your ExamSoft Portal

  1. Navigate to the ExamSoft portal and log in as an Institution Admin.
  2. Select Admin, and then select Global Settings.

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  3. Select the LMS Settings menu (at the top of the screen).
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  4. For LMS Type, select Moodle, and enter the configuration settings:
    • Moodle Instance URL: Enter the URL that you use to access your Moodle Instance.
    • Authorization Token: Paste the token that you copied in the previous section.

      Note: After you enter the token, the portal will confirm that the connection between the ExamSoft Portal and your Moodle instance is configured. If it is successful, a green check mark and Verified will appear and the remaining options are made available.
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  5. Select the Configure button.
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  6. Select the desired Course ID, Student ID, and Student ID Type

    Note: These values are the elements from the Moodle environment that will end up being the User ID and Course ID in ExamSoft.

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  7. Select the applicable Course Admin and Student Roles.

    Note: The value selected for Course Admin roles will dictate which Moodle users are synced to ExamSoft as admins. The value selected for Student roles will dictate which Moodle users are synced to ExamSoft as students.

  8. Select Save at the top of the screen.

Find more information on syncing courses here: Enterprise Portal: Sync Courses from Your LMS


Run the Sync Process

  1. Select Edit Sync Settings.
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  2. If this is your first time visiting this page, select Refresh Courses to retrieve the list of the courses from Moodle.
    Note: Keep in mind that you are not yet syncing the courses, just retrieving the full list of courses from your Moodle instance. 
  3. Within the Select Courses tab, select the desired courses using the + icon to add them to the sync list.


  4. Select the Edit Sync List tab, and then adjust the start and end dates for courses, as needed.
  5. Select the department within the ExamSoft portal where you want them to be imported.

    Note: This step can be done in bulk. Select the checkboxes on the left, and use the bulk options that appear at the bottom of the screen.


  6. Select Save.


  7. Select Sync Now to manually sync.

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    Note: If the sync is successful, you will receive a success message in the upper-right hand corner of the screen confirming your sync.

  8. (Optional) Select to automatically sync your courses at a pre-determined time daily, by enabling Auto Sync On/Off and entering your preferred time.
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Next Steps

If you do not see the data that was supposed to sync over, see: Enterprise Portal: LMS Sync Errors

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