Enterprise Portal: View the Question History

You can use the Question History to view the performance data for the selected question. You can view previous versions of a question and restore a version.




Access the Question History

  1. Select your course from the My Courses page.
  2. Select the Questions menu.
  3. Scroll, search, or filter to find the question that you want to view.
  4. Select the name of the question that you want to view.
  5. In the new window, view the version history by using one of these methods:
    • Select the Version History link provided.
    • Select the Actions drop-down and choose Version History.


    The Version History appears (on the left side), displaying both the Version Performance (at the bottom of the window) for the selected question.




View the Question Version History

When viewing the version history, the current question revision will always appear at the top with an Active For Course.


When selecting different versions, the version currently being viewed will be highlighted in light yellow. The changes made to the specific question being looked at will be highlighted as well.

If you want to restore a previous version of a question, select the version, and then select Accept This Version.



View the Question's Version Performance

The Version Performance Across All Exams provides detailed performance information like question psychometrics for each of the question revisions based on each assessment that the questions were used on.

  • Correct - Shows the percentage of students that have answered the question correctly.
  • Point biserial - Shows the point biserial for the question revision.
  • Upper 27% - Shows the percentage of the upper 27% of students that have answered the question correctly.
  • Lower 27% - Shows the percentage of the lower 27% of students that have answered the question correctly.
  • Discrimination index - Shows the discrimination index for the question revision.
  • Difficulty index - Shows the difficulty index for the question revision.
  • # not attempted - Shows the number of students that did not attempt to answer the question.
  • Avg. ans. time - Prints average answer time of the specific question revision, if taken by students on an exam.

In order to view the Version Performance based on the assessment that the question was used on, select the drop-down arrow provided next to the particular revision. The same information will be displayed.

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