ExamID: Issues with Your Baseline Photo

If you have trouble taking your baseline photo, follow these tips. 

  • Be sure to take a photograph of your face, not a driver's license or other identification card.
  • Confirm that you're using Examplify version 2.3.2 or newer.  You can see the version number in the shaded bar at the bottom of the screen in Examplify.


  • Confirm you can see a tile for ExamID on the dashboard for your exam.  If not, contact the exam-maker.


  • Ensure that your webcam lens is clean and that nothing is blocking it.
  • Ensure that nothing is concealing your face or head (hat, scarf, mask, etc.). 

  • Ensure that you're in a well-lit area and that the light on your face is brighter than the light behind you.


    • Turn on lights to illuminate your face.
    • Increase the screen brightness of your device.
    • Arrange your workspace so that you're not sitting with your back to a window or similar light source. Light behind you will create shadows on your face.
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