Examplify Updates

Examplify is often updated to provide an even better exam-taking experience. As an Examplify user, you might receive updates in various ways. 


Optional Updates

When an optional update is available, Examplify can download and install it automatically, through the silent update process. This process can occur if an active internet connection is available and Examplify is not currently in use. 

If Examplify cannot perform a silent update, then you'll see the Software Update Available message the next time that you start Examplify. At that point, you can complete the update, or you can opt to be reminded later.  

Software Update Available_02.09.24.png


Forced Updates

When a forced update is required, you'll see the Software Update Required message when you start Examplify. Select the Update button to proceed. You will be unable to complete any actions in Examplify until the update is completed. 

Software Update Required_02.09.24.png

A Note About Lab Setups

  • Optional Updates are received only in labs without an alternate storage path.
  • Forced Updates do not affect lab setups. 


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