Exam-Taker Warnings About Minimum System Requirements

Various issues can occur if an exam-taker's device does not meet the Minimum System Requirements for Examplify. To prevent such issues, Examplify now performs two types of checks:

Checks When Starting Up

Examplify performs these checks when it starts up. These checks are performed for all exam-takers at all institutions. No action is required on your part to enable these checks.

  • Examplify will block the exam-takers from proceeding if these issues are found at startup:
    • A Virtual Machine is in use.
    • The device has insufficient hard drive space.
    • (Windows users only) The OS is notWindows 10.
  • Examplify will warn the exam-takers if these issues are found at startup:
    • The device does not meet the current requirements for OS version or RAM.
      Example Operating System message:
      Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 10.51.33 AM.png
    • (Mac users only) The user does not have administrator privileges on the device.

This article includes an example block message and an example warning.


Optional Checks Before Downloading an Assessment

You can ask your Customer Success Manager to enable optional checks before downloading an assessment. You can opt to block the exam or display a warning if issues are found. If enabled, these settings apply to all departments, courses, and exam-takers for your institution's ExamSoft Portal.

When this option is enabled, Examplify checks for these requirements when the exam-taker attempts to download an assessment:

  • OS version
  • Hard drive space
  • RAM
  • Screen resolution
  • Examplify version

This article includes an example block message and an example warning.


Example Block Message

This message includes information about the issues and the requirements. The exam-taker cannot proceed with the exam but must return to the dashboard. The exam cannot proceed on this device until the requirements are met.



Example Warning

A warning includes information about the issues and the requirements. The exam-taker can continue with the exam or can return to the dashboard and try again after resolving the issues.


If the exam-taker opts to continue, an additional message warns the exam-taker about the potential issues that can occur when the requirements are not met. Again, the exam-taker can continue or can return to the dashboard.



For More Information

  • For more information about Minimum System Requirements, see: Examplify Minimum System Requirements
  • If you would like to have the optional checks enabled, contact your Customer Success Manager.
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