Enterprise: Upcoming Features & Releases

On this page, find information about upcoming features releases and updates for the Enterprise Portal, ExamSoft Add Ons, and Examplify application, and review any information or notes related to our most-recent releases. 

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To navigate between Enterprise Portal & Add Ons and Examplify information, select the specific tab below. Then, expand the + next to the different sections to learn more about upcoming or released features.

Portal & Add Ons Examplify
Upcoming Features

The Upcoming Features section provides more information about features or enhancements that are forthcoming; these might also be in early access or limited release. Once fully-released to general availability, you will see additional information in the Release Notes section.

Last Updated: November 4, 2024

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To improve the agility of our communications, we are transitioning from sending maintenance email announcements via productupdates@examsoft.com to email and text alerts from status.examsoft.com

To continue receiving critical maintenance announcements, please visit status.examsoft.com and click on “Subscribe to Updates” at the top right. 

By subscribing to status.examsoft.com, you will receive critical notifications on planned maintenance—as well as any service disruptions—delivered through the channel you prefer, whether email, text or both.

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Action required

  • Subscribe to status.examsoft.com for critical maintenance and service incident updates.
  • Share this update with relevant stakeholders.

Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager with any questions.


Release Notes

The Release Notes section provides a list of enhancements and features that are fully-released. You can find more information about each release, as applicable, in the embedded links for each date.

Last Updated: September 4, 2024
  • September 4, 2024: Resolved an issue previewing new postings using in Examplify v3.5.
  • August 21, 2024: The column selector in the Questions table is now easier to use. When creating or editing questions, you'll notice the following visual enhancements:
    • The formatting toolbar is now attached directly to the question and case study editor.
    • The formatting toolbar now appears above an answer choice while it is being edited for easier access, and collapses when it is not needed.
    • Tables can now be adjusted via a context menu, allowing rows and columns to be added and removed.
    • The math formula editor can now be expanded and repositioned on the screen.
  • August 12, 2024: We have made a visual update to the ExamSoft Guides landing page, support.examsoft.com. The new look was created to align Turnitin's brand experience across all our products. Please note, there is no change to existing content, navigation, or functionality of the site; the impact to customers will be minimal. If you have any screenshots that you’re using for training purposes, you might notice some slight changes. 
  • August 7, 2024:  Bulk Posting (see, Enterprise Portal: Post an Assessment) and Exam Sections (see, Enterprise Portal: Overview of Exam Sections article) are now available upon request to your Customer Success Manager.
    • Bulk Posting saves time by posting a single linked assessment to multiple courses all at once. This would allow instructors to deliver the same assessment to many courses simultaneously without having to duplicate the assessment several times. Since the posted assessments would be linked to each other, they would share the same dates, settings, combined reporting, and more.
    • Exam Sections provide greater flexibility in structuring an exam by splitting the exam-taking experience into smaller units. etc 
  • March 27, 2024: Ordering and Case Study question types are now available to all users. Click the links below for more information regarding each of these question types and the case study artifact.

    As a reminder, exam-takers using Examplify for iPad are already required to update to our latest version to take their exams, so a minimum version for each question type is not included.

    Question Type/Tool Minimum Examplify for Windows and macOS Version Generally Available or Request
    Ordering 3.0 Available to all users as of March 27, 2024
    Case Study (Electronic Health Record) Artifact 3.1
    Matrix 3.0 Available upon request to your Customer Success Manager
    Bowtie 3.2
    Highlight Text 3.3


  • March 5, 2024: Grader comments can now be included when releasing results for Assessments containing Essay Questions with Rubrics. If selected, the comments will appear below each rubric essay on the S&O Report.
  • February 7, 2024: Improvements were made to error messaging when importing Admin users.
  • January 18, 2024: Resolved issues with accepting revisions to Ordering, Matching, and Highlight Text questions.
  • October 17, 2023: Improvements to LMS syncing for institutions with large numbers of courses and students.
  • October 12, 2023: Improvements to display, navigation, and sorting when grading essay questions.
  • October 2, 2023: Enhancements to post settings and Strengths & Opportunities reports for institutions using Clinical Judgment Exams.
  • September 19, 2023: Exam-makers can now create Highlight Text questions — based on Next Generation NCLEX® questions in which students are asked to select pertinent information, often related to a case study (in Early Access, available upon request to your Customer Success Manager).
  • September 19, 2023: The API-based replacement integration for Blackboard's Building Blocks is now available. If you are migrating from Building Blocks to our new REST API, visit the Migration Hub or ask your Customer Success Manager for more information.
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