If this feature is enabled by the exam-maker, you can take a break during an exam and resume it later.
- The Suspend feature is only available for Non-Secure exams. Secure exams cannot be paused or suspended.
- This feature is controlled by the exam-maker and generally is enabled only for practice exams, low-stakes exams, and similar situations.
- If the exam has a time limit, it is suspended until you resume the exam.
- If you have set any alarms, they also are suspended.
- The upload deadline still applies. You must submit your exam before this deadline.
- Select the Exam Controls menu (near the top right corner of the screen), and then select Suspend Exam.
Note: If this option does not appear on the menu, then it is not enabled for this exam. - When the pop-up message appears, select the Suspend Exam button.
Note: If you selected this option by mistake, you can select Return to Exam to immediately resume the exam.
- When you are ready to return to the exam, select it in the Downloaded list (on the left side of the screen).
Note: The exam will be indicated by the phrase Suspended Exam and a pause icon.
- Enter the exam password to resume the exam.