This information will help you to use the exam-level and question-level attachments that are included in your exam.
- To view an exam-level attachment: Select Exam Controls (near the top right corner of the Examplify screen), and then select Exam Attachments. The attachment will appear in a pop-up window. Tips about resizing and moving pop-up windows are provided later in this article.
- To view a question-level attachment: The attachment appears automatically when you select the question. You'll see a split-screen layout with the question on the left and the attachment on the right. You can resize this area by dragging the left border.
- To see additional options: Select the gear icon (near the top right corner of the attachment window).
- Open Attachment in New Window: Select this option to display the PDF in a movable, resizable pop-up window.
- Print: Not available for secure exams. For non-secure exams, select this option if you want to print the attachment.
- Dark Mode/Light Mode: Select this option to change the appearance of the toolbar and the page selector.
- To adjust a pop-up window: If the attachment is displayed in a pop-up window, you can drag it and resize it.
- To move the pop-up window: Press and hold on the top of the window, and then drag the window.
- To resize the pop-up window: Drag the resize button in the lower right corner of the window.
- To view two attachments: In secure exams, only one pop-up window is available. If you want to view an exam-level attachment and a question-level attachment at the same time, leave the question attachment in split-screen mode. Do not open the question-level attachment in a new window. If the question-level attachment is in the pop-up window and you then open the exam-level attachment, then the question-level attachment will disappear. To get it back, select the Tool Kit menu (near the top right corner of the screen).
- To move the pop-up window: Press and hold on the top of the window, and then drag the window.
- To use the Search Tool within a PDF attachment: In the attachment toolbar, select the magnifying glass icon. Enter the characters that you want to find, and then press the Enter key. The matching words will be highlighted in the text.
- Case sensitive: Words in the text will be highlighted only if they are in the same case as your entry. For example, if you enter Brown and this option is selected, then only words such as Brown and Browning will be highlighted, not brown or browning.
- Whole word: Words in the text will be highlighted only if they are an exact match for your entry. For example, if you enter state and this option is selected, then only the words state or State will be highlighted (not states, statement, estate, or stateful).
- List view: On a small screen or a small pop-up window, the results will be shown in a list view only (as illustrated below). You can click a result to see the full text in the document. To close the results list, select the magnifying glass icon again.
Note: You can adjust the screen to see the list next to the full text of the attachment. If the attachment is in side-by-side view, drag the left border of the attachment area to widen it. If the attachment is in a pop-up window, drag the resize button (in the lower right corner of the pop-up window).
- To navigate through an attachment:
- Use the scroll bar (on the right side of the attachment area).
- Select the page thumbnails icon near the top left corner of the attachment area, and then select a thumbnail to jump to that page.
Tip: You also can use the thumbnails view to rotate a page. Select a page, and then select the rotate-left icon or the rotate-right icon (located below the thumbnail images). - Use the page selection bar near the bottom center of the attachment. You can select the left-arrow or right-arrow button to move one page at a time, or enter a page number in the text-entry space to jump to a particular page. After entering a number, press the Enter key.
- For additional options for navigation, page rotation, and page layout, select the Page Controls button on the toolbar.
- To zoom in or out: In the attachment toolbar, select the + and - buttons to increase or decrease the size of the display, or enter a percentage in the box.
To highlight text within an attachment:
- Select Highlight, then select a color, and then drag the cursor across the text that you want to highlight in the attachment.
Note: If the attachment area is narrow, the highlighter icons do not appear below the toolbar. Only the selected-color indicator appears. You can find the highlighter icons below the document and can select the desired color (yellow, red, green, or blue). - To remove highlighting, select the eraser icon, and then drag the cursor across the highlighting that you want to remove.
- To customize the highlighter colors:
- Select the highlighter that you want to change. For example, select the yellow highlighter.
- Select the down-arrow button next to the highlighter icon.
- Select a new color.
- Select Highlight, then select a color, and then drag the cursor across the text that you want to highlight in the attachment.