A common feature of many assessments is a matching question, in which the exam-takers are presented with two lists of related items and must decide how to pair them up.
The "Procedure" section of this article will guide you through the process of creating this question type.
The following procedure explains how to duplicate the example. You can then adapt these instructions to your needs.
Question Creation
- Select the Questions menu.
- Select the Create Matching button.
- On the left side of the screen, enter the title, folder, and other options as needed. For more information, see: Legacy Portal: Basic Steps to Create Questions
- For more information about Adding a Case Study Artifact to a question, see: Legacy Portal: How to create a Case Study
- In the Question box, enter the instructional text. In our example, the text is: Match each Greek goddess to her realm.
- Then, in the left-hand column, enter the Section Title and the Prompt for each matching option. In our example, the section title is Prompt and the names of the Greek goddesses are listed in each Prompt option.
- You can add additional Prompts to the question by selecting the Add a New Prompt Choice button at the bottom of the Prompt column.
If you're creating content that requires formulas, you can use the formula editor feature, which is available in the Question Stem, Prompts, and Possible Answers sections.
- You can add additional Prompts to the question by selecting the Add a New Prompt Choice button at the bottom of the Prompt column.
Adding Answer Options and Selecting Correct Answers
Each prompt must have one assigned answer.
- In the right-hand column, enter the Section Title and the Possible Answers for each matching option. In our example, the section title is Possible Answers and the names of the possible dominions of the goddesses are listed in each Prompt option.
- You can add additional Possible Answers to the question by selecting the Add a New Possible Answer button at the bottom of the Possible Answer column.
- You can add additional Possible Answers to the question by selecting the Add a New Possible Answer button at the bottom of the Possible Answer column.
- Then, for each Possible Answer, select the correct Seq letter from the Correct Choice drop-down. The letters in the Seq drop-down menu are the Seq letters on the left-hand side of each Prompt. In our example, Aphrodite has Seq a).
- If you've selected the same answer for more than one prompt, you will see an error message similar to the one in our example.
- Error messages occur after selecting Save or Approve. Error: The same "a" Correct Choice is selected for Possible Answers 4 & 6.
- Error messages occur after selecting Save or Approve. Error: The same "a" Correct Choice is selected for Possible Answers 4 & 6.
- Now, the answer choice selections are correct and no error messages appear.
- Select Approve to finalize the question and publish.
Additional Options: Scoring, Categories, Attachments
- If applicable, select the Partial Credit checkbox (in the Options section on the left side of the screen). When this option is selected, the exam-takers will receive credit for any correct matches that they make. If it is not selected, they must correctly match all of the items to receive credit for this question.
- (Recommended) Assign one or more categories. For more information, see: Legacy Portal: Assign Categories to Questions.
- (Optional) Select other options, if needed.
- If the question involves an electronic health or medical record, you can upload an attachment. For more information about attachments, see: Attachment Types and Requirements
- If there are multiple questions related to the same case, you can group the questions together after you add them to an assessment. See: Legacy Portal: Create a Group of Question.
- Save and Approve the question.