Legacy Portal: Tips for Fill in the Blank Questions

Note: For an overview of the question-creation process and the various options that are available, see: Legacy Portal: Basic Steps to Create Questions



  • You can have up to 15 blanks. 
  • There are three types of blanks that you can add:


    • Basic Text Box: Select Add New Blank to create a text box in which the exam-taker can enter a word or a phrase to complete the sentence. In the Answer area, provide the single word or short phrase as the correct response. You can indicate alternative spellings/answers by entering a vertical pipe between the answers.

      In the following example, the exam-taker will receive credit by entering either Physician or Doctor.


    • Drop-Down List: Select Add Dropdown to allow the exam-taker to fill in the blank by selecting a word/phrase from a drop-down list rather than typing. Select Add New Answer Choice to add choices to the list. Indicate the correct answer by select the checkbox.

      In the following example, the correct answer is intravenous.


    • Numeric Range: Select Add Range to create a text box in which the exam-taker can enter a numerical value. This option is similar to the basic text box, but the answer is evaluated differently. The answer will be counted as correct if the exam-taker enters a value within the specified numeric range.  Enter the lowest possible correct response on the left, and the highest possible correct response on the right.

      In the following example, the exam-taker can enter any value between 35.0 and 36.



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