Export Exam-Taker Results

For your convenience, you can export the exam results to an Excel or PDF file. 



  1. Log into your administrator account.  
  2. Go to: http://www.examsoft.com/XXbar (where XX = your state)
  3. Under Administrators/Faculty, enter your login credentials.


  4. Select the Assessments menu at the top of the page.


  5. On the left side of the screen, select the folder where this exam is located.
  6. Select the exam that you want to export.

    Note: This report can only be done for one exam at a time.  If you want to export the results for multiple exams, you will need to repeat this procedure.

  7. Select the Reporting/Scoring menu, and then select Exam-Taker Results.


  8. Select the options that you want for this report, and then select View Report.


    A preview of the data appears on the screen. 


  9. To continue, select the Export to Excel button near the top right corner of the data preview. 
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