Set Up Your Microsoft Surface Pro to Run Windows 10

Examplify is compatible on Microsoft Surface Pro 4 or newer Microsoft Surface Pro devices when the device is running Microsoft Windows 10.  Microsoft Surface Pro devices are shipped with Microsoft Windows 10 S (S Mode), and they only allow app downloads from the Microsoft Store.  To switch out of S Mode, follow the steps below. 



  1. Select the Windows icon in the bottom left corner of your screen.
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select Update & Security.


  4. Select Activation.

    On the Activation page, the edition of Windows is displayed and will show "S Mode" at the end.


  5. Select the Go to the Store link. (You might need to scroll down to see it, as illustrated below).


    Do not select Upgrade your edition of Windows.
      This is not the selection to get your device out of S Mode.

  6. On the Switch Out of S mode page, select the Get button.


  7. Select the Install button.


    Note: On the Activation page, the edition of Windows no longer includes "in S Mode."


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