Enterprise Portal: Archive or Unarchive a Course

You can archive a course, which clears the course from your course list within the portal. Archiving a course means that all users with access to the course list within a given department will no longer see the course by default.

Note: All of your assessment data remains intact and available to use on all advanced reports.

You can unarchive a course restoring it to the course list within the portal, which makes it visible to all users with access by default. 




Archive a Course 

  1. On your list of courses, select the pencil icon for the course that you want to archive.


  2. Select Archive (near the top right corner of the screen).
  3. When the confirmation message appears, make sure that you've selected the right course, and then select Archive.


    Note: You won't lose access to the course or any of its questions/data. You can view your archived courses in the courses list by using the filter option Include Archived Courses. After you apply that filter, the archived courses will be listed in light gray text. (Other courses are listed in blue text.) You can select the course and view the assessments and other data.



Unarchive a Course

  1. Above your list of courses, select Filter.
  2. Select  Include Archived Courses, and then select Apply Filters.


  3. Select the pencil icon for the course that you want to unarchive.
  4. Select Unarchive (near the top right corner of the screen).

    The course will be added back to your course list, and will be available to all other admins who have access to this course.


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