As an admin for a course, you might want to clear out the entire list of exam-takers so that you can reuse the course with a new group of enrollees. Or you might need to remove selected exam-takers. For example, in a university setting, you might remove students who have dropped the course.
- Select the course.
- Select the Students tab.
- Select the exam-takers that you want to remove:
- To select all enrollees: Select the checkbox in the header row of the table.
Note: For a very large course, in which this table is split into multiple pages for display purposes, this option selects all enrollees on all pages. In the above example, there are 16 pages. An on-screen message indicates that all 800 students are selected even though only 50 students are shown on this page.
- To select individual enrollees: Select the checkbox next to each exam-taker's name.
Note: If you want to remove individuals who are listed on different pages of this table, you'll need complete this procedure on one page at a time. Then navigate to the next page and repeat the procedure, as needed.
- To select all enrollees: Select the checkbox in the header row of the table.
- On the menu at the bottom of the page, select Unenroll.
- Select Confirm. All selected exam-takers are removed.