Enterprise Portal: Add and Manage Categories

As an Institution Admin, you can manage categories and sub-categories.  Additional users can be granted permissions, as detailed below.




Search for a Category

Use the Category Management page to find the category that you want to manage.
  1. Log in to your ExamSoft portal.
  2. Select the Admin menu (near the top right corner of the page).
  3. Select Category Management.


  4. Enter the category name or ID in the search box above the list. After you find a category, you can edit the details or add, edit, or remove sub-categories.


Add or Edit the Details and Permissions for a Category

  1. Edit or create a category:
    • To edit the details or permissions for an existing category: Select the pencil icon. (For this type of change, select the pencil icon, not the name of the category.)


    • To add a new category: Select Create Category.
  2. Enter the information.
    • Enter a descriptive Category Name that will help people to identify this category when creating assessments and viewing reports.
    • Additional Edit Permissions: View the list of administrators who can edit this category. Optionally, you can add administrators by using the input box or the Browse All link, which are both below the list of existing admins.
      • If you have a name in mind, you can type a few characters in the input box and then select a name from the drop-down list.
      • If you prefer, select Browse All. You can then search or scroll through the entire list of admins. On this page, select the plus sign to select an admin, or select the checkmark to remove an admin. After making all of your selections, select Save to update the Permissions list and return to the category details page.
    • Department Tagging Privileges:
      • If you want to block people from tagging questions with this category type, select the Lock the ability checkbox.
      • If you want to assign tagging permissions to the admins within a certain department or course, use the Department Tagging Privileges input box. To search, enter a few characters, and then select a department from the list. After you select a department, you have the option to select only specific courses within the department. 
      • If this category is for Internal Use Only and should not be included in student reports, select the Internal Use Only check box (near the end of the page).
  3. Select Save.


Add, Edit, or Remove Sub-Categories

On the Category Management page, select the category by clicking the category name. (For this type of change, select the name, not the pencil icon.)
  • To add a sub-category: Select Create Category. Then enter a name and optional description. 
  • To edit a sub-category: Select the pencil icon. Then edit the name and/or description. 
  • To delete a sub-category: Select the pencil icon. Review the name and description to ensure that you have selected the correct sub-category. To continue with the deletion, select the Delete button near the top of the page.


Next Steps

  1. Assign categories to questions. See: Enterprise Portal: Assign Categories to Questions
  2. After assessments are administered, run the reports. See: Get Started with Reporting


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