You can import questions from Tab Delimited text files and RTF files.
Before You Begin
Prepare the file to import. See: Legacy Portal: Prepare an RTF Question File to Import (File Guidelines)
- Select the Questions menu.
- Select the Import Questions button.
- Refer to the left side of the screen if you are importing a Tab Delimited text file, or refer to the right side of the screen if you are importing an RTF file.
- Drag and drop your file, or select Choose File.
- If this is an RTF file that you created in Word, select Clean MSWord Formatting from the Appropriate Filter for Import dropdown list. For other RTF files, the filter selection is optional.
- Read the on-screen validation messages.
- If any errors were found: You can either import the valid questions only, or edit the file to make the necessary changes, and then repeat this procedure to import the updated file.
- If no errors were found, or if you want to proceed with only the valid questions: Select the Import Valid Questions button.
- Select Go to Folder, and then review and/or edit the questions, as needed.