Bar Exam: Download your Mock Exam

Every jurisdiction has made a mock exam available to help applicants to prepare for the upcoming bar exam. Most jurisdictions will allow you to retake the mock exam multiple times. The following instructions are for both Mac and Windows devices.


Before You Begin

  1. Download, install, and register Examplify. See: Examplify for Windows and Mac: Download, Install, and Register Examplify
  2. Confirm your registration. See: Bar Exam: Confirm Your Examplify Registration



  1. Open Examplify.
    • On a Windows device: The Examplify icon should be installed on your Desktop. If not, select the Windows button, and then search for Examplify.  

    • On Mac devices: Go to the Finder, select Applications, and then locate the Examplify icon. 

  2. If prompted to log in, enter your institution ID and login credentials.
  3. On the left side of the home screen, you will see a list of available exams for download. 
  4. Select the mock exam.
    Note: If the mock exam is not listed, ensure that you have followed the instructions that were provided to you about when the mock exam would be available in your time zone. If you've confirmed that the exam should be available, you may need to refresh the screen to see the latest items. Select Refresh Exam List, which is near the lower left corner of the screen. 
  5. In the main area of the screen, select Download Exam.
  6. Continue to the following procedure: Examplify: Start and Upload a Mock Exam
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