Clinical Judgment Exams: Exam Settings

Subjects Included in each Package

The Core Solution includes the following subjects: Fundamentals, Pediatrics, Women’s Health, Community Health, Pharmacology, Medical Surgical, Mental Health and Readiness. The Comprehensive solution includes an additional seven subjects: Health Assessment, Leadership, Nutrition, Research, Maternal Child, Medical Surgical II, Pathophysiology.

CJE: RN Core Benchmark Exams

CJE: RN Comprehensive Benchmark Exams

Women’s Health
Community Health
Medical Surgical
Mental Health
Health assessment
Maternal Child
Medical Surgical II


Pre-Set Assessment Options

When you create a Clinical Judgment Exam, all of these options are pre-set for you.



Benchmark I and Benchmark II must be proctored either in person, by a third party, or through your institution's ExamMonitor HR credits (if applicable).  


Question and Subject Areas

All exams (Open Check, Benchmark I, and Benchmark II) should include the recommended number of questions from the following subject areas.

Subject Areas Number of Questions
Fundaments, Pediatrics, Women’s Health, Community Health, Pharmacological, Mental Health, Health assessment, Leadership, Nutrition, Research, Maternal Child, Pathophysiology 50
Medical Surgical, Medical Surgical II 75
Readiness Exam 100


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