Custom Assessments: Locating CJE Content



Assessing the Custom Assessments

  1. To add one or more of these questions to your assessment, Navigate to your Test Bank course.
  2. Within the Assessments tab, select a draft assessment or create a new assessment.
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  3. From the Build Assessment tab select the green plus icon then Find Questions.
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  4. Select the Filter option.
  5. Toggle on the Course button.
  6. Then, enter the name of the CJE Custom Assessments Question Bank in the Assess questions outisde this course field, and select the desired course from the drop down list. 
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Searching for Items in the Custom Assessments

  1. Use the filter to search for specific question types (multiple choice, matrix, etc.)
  2. Use the filter to search for questions tagged to categories, which can be helpful when searching for certain topics.
  3. Use the Keyword search to search either the question itself or answer options for certain keywords.

Custom Assessments Categories

Custom Assessments content is categorized with following competencies to understand student performance on these items:

  • Clinical Judgment Measurement Model
  • Concept
  • Exemplar-Disease
  • Item Type
  • NCLEX® Client Needs
  • PN Nursing Process
  • QSEN Competencies
  • RN Nursing Process
  • Specialty Focus
  • System




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