Search and Navigate Content Banks

When Content Banks are enabled for a Department, there is a new Content Banks tab at the top of the page that you can use to manage your content banks.



Search for a Content Bank

  1. Navigate to the My Content Banks page.
    Note: Depending on your permissions, this page might appear automatically, or you might need to select a department first.​​​​​
  2. To display the My Content Banks page, at the top of the page, select the tab for Content Banks.
    Note: This tab will only appear if Content Banks are activated for your Department.


  1. To search for a content bank with the search field or filters:
    • To search active Content Banks: You can search for active Content Banks by entering the Bank name or Bank ID in the search box above the list.
    • To search for inactive Content Banks: Adjust the filters to include archived Content Banks, and then search by entering the Bank name or Bank ID in the search box above the list.
      1. Select Filter.
      2. Select Include Archived Content Banks.
      3. Select Apply Filters.
      4. Search for the Content Bank.


Open a Content Bank

  1. Select the Content Bank Name from the table. A list of sub-Banks populates in the Content Banks tab. 
  2. Scroll through the sub-bank list and select the Content Bank you want.
  3. To access the assessments and questions for a specific Content Bank, select the Assessments and Questions tabs at the top of the page.

    Tip: You can use the breadcrumbs at the top of the page to navigate back to a higher level.

    Note: If a user is only an admin of a lower-level Bank, the Banks leading up to it will still be visible to allow navigation but will display as a grey-colored hyperlink instead of in a blue color. The user can select those Banks but the Assessments and Questions tabs will not be visible.

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