Enterprise Portal: Set Up Your Canvas Integration with Developer Keys



Setup Canvas

  1. Log in to Canvas as a System Admin.
  2. Select Admin and select the appropriate account.


  3. Select Developer Keys in the list on the left.


    Note: If you do not see this option, you'll need to select a higher-level account.

  4. Select + Developer Key and then+ API Key.


  5. Enter your information in the Key Settings fields:


  6. Select Enforce Scopes.
  7. Select the Allow Include Parameters checkbox.


  8. Enable the following endpoints under each category:


    • url:GET|/api/v1/accounts
    • url:GET|/api/v1/course_accounts
    • url:GET|/api/v1/accounts/:id
    • url:GET|/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/help_links
    • url:GET|/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/courses


    • url:GET|/api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments
    • url:POST|/api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments


    • url:GET|/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/courses/:id
    • url:GET|/api/v1/courses/:course_id/users


    • url:GET|/api/v1/courses/:course_id/enrollments


    • url:GET|/api/v1/courses/:course_id/live_assessments/:assessment_id/results


    • url:GET|/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/roles


    • url:GET|/api/v1/courses/:course_id/sections
    • url:GET|/api/v1/courses/:course_id/sections/:id
    • url:GET|/api/v1/sections/:id


    • url:GET|/api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments/:assignment_id/submissions/:user_id
    • url:PUT|/api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments/:assignment_id/submissions/:user_id
  9. Select Save (in the bottom right corner).


  10. Under State, select ON for the ExamSoft entry you just created.


  11. Make note of the values that you'll need to set up the ExamSoft integration:
    1. Open a text file where you can copy and paste two values that you'll need later.
    2. On the first line, enter the phrase Client ID, followed by a colon and a space.
    3. Make a new line, and enter the phrase Client Secret, followed by a colon and a space.


    4. Return to Canvas.
    5. In the Details column, copy the numeric value above the Show Key button. (For this value, do not select the button, just copy the value that appears in the box above it.)


    6. In your text document, paste the copied value after the phrase Client ID.
    7. Return to Canvas, select the Show Key button, and then copy the value that appears.
    8. In your text document, paste the copied value after the phrase Client Secret.


Setup ExamSoft and Run the Sync Process

  1. Log in to your ExamSoft portal as an Institution Administrator.

    Note: If you are the LMS admin without any access to your ExamSoft portal, you need to either obtain an account with proper access or work with someone who has the correct access before you can continue.

  2. Select Admin >Global Settings >LMS Settings.
  3. Select Canvas Dev Key from the LMS Type drop-down menu.


  4. Enter your information in the following fields:
    • For Canvas Server, paste your Canvas instance URL.
    • For Client ID, paste the value that you saved earlier in your text file.
    • For Client Secret, paste the value that you saved earlier in your text file.


  5. Select the Generate Key button, and it will launch a Canvas login screen.


  6. Log in with a Canvas admin account.
  7. Select Authorize, and you'll be redirected back to your ExamSoft portal. 


  8. Select Save (in the top right corner).


  9. Select Configure to configure course, section, & student ID types as well as role designations.


  10. Select the desired Course ID, Section ID, and Student ID Types from their respective drop-down menus.


    Note: These values are the elements from the Canvas environment that will end up being the course, section, and student IDs within ExamSoft.

  11. Select the applicable Course Admin and Student Roles.


    Note: The value selected for Course Admin roles will dictate which Canvas users names are synced to ExamSoft courses as course admins. The value selected for Student roles will dictate which Canvas users are synced to ExamSoft as students.

  12. Select Save (in the top right corner).


  13. Select Edit Sync Settings to open the list of courses from Canvas.



    • If this is your first time visiting the Sync Settings page, select Refresh Courses to retrieve the list of the courses from your Canvas instance.
    • This is just retrieving the list of courses, not syncing them. It can take a while to retrieve this list depending on the amount of courses in Canvas.
    • Once the refresh is complete, you will see the full list of courses retrieved from your Canvas instance on the Select Courses tab.


  14. Search by Course ID or Name to find each specific course to add to the sync list.


    Note: If you're searching by ID, the specific ID is dependent on your choice from the Configure page.

  15. Select + to add each desired course or section to the sync list.


    Note: For courses that have sections, you will also see a> icon. Selecting that will show the nested sections underneath.

  16. Select the Edit Sync List tab. 


  17. Adjust the start and end dates for courses, as needed.
  18. Select the department that the courses will be created in within the ExamSoft portal.

    Note: This step may be done in bulk. Select the check-boxes on the left, and you can use the bulk options that appear at the bottom of the page.

  19. Select Save (in the top right corner).
  20. Select Sync Now to trigger a manual sync into your ExamSoft portal. 


    Note: This process may take several minutes depending on how much data you are syncing into the portal.

  21. Select View History to view the current sync status.


  22. Verify that the course and student data are now in ExamSoft by navigating to the department that you synced into.
  23. Search for the courses and sections you chose to sync, and make sure the enrollments match with Canvas.


Next Steps

If you do not see the data that was supposed to sync over, see: Enterprise Portal: LMS Sync Errors

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