Before you post an assessment, you must set an exam password, select the exam-takers, and schedule the date for the exam. There also are a number of optional settings that you might want to enable.
- Before You Begin
- Procedure Overview
- Minimum Required Examplify Version
- Bulk Posting
- Required Settings
- Optional Settings
- Secure Exam Review
- Remote Assessment Deletion
- Ping & Release
Before You Begin
Prepare the assessment. See: Enterprise Portal: Get Started Creating an Assessment
Procedure Overview
- Select the course and the assessment.
- Select the Post Settings tab.
Note: If you're creating a new assessment, the Post Settings page appears automatically after you select Save & Continue on the Build Assessment tab.
- Enter the settings. For more information, see the "Settings" section below.
- Once the exam-takers start to download the exam, the posting cannot be deleted. Review your settings before continuing to the next step.
- If you decide not to continue with an exam after posting (for example, you've discovered a mistake), you will need to ask the exam-takers to remove the download, and then change the download period to prevent additional downloads.
- Next, you will duplicate the assessment to start over and correct any issues.
- After making the necessary changes, you will then post the new assessment.
- Select Finalize to post the assessment.
Minimum Required Examplify Version
After you’ve selected Finalize, you will see the minimum exemplify version required in order to download the exam under the Post Settings section.
- Required Settings
- Bulk Posting
- Optional Settings
- Assessment Review Settings
- Remote Assessment Deletion
- Ping & Release
Required Settings
Until you enter the required information, the Finalize button is unavailable. You can finalize and post the assessment only after you've entered all of the required settings.
Required Post Assessment Settings
Assessment Password: The Assessment Password will be automatically filled with a 12-character, alphanumeric password.
- If you would like to change the automatically-generated password, you can select the Regenerate button.
- Or, you can select the Create my own password checkbox and create your own password. The uneditable Assessment Password field will then become editable.
Note: Assessment passwords must contain 12 characters and include at least one number and one letter.
- If you would like to change the automatically-generated password, you can select the Regenerate button.
- In the Students section, you can select Entire Course to post the exam to all exam-takers enrolled in the course. Exam-takers added to the course prior to the download deadline will automatically be added to the posting.
- Or, you can also use the select Specific Students radio; then, select the Select Students button to open the slide-out window (shown below) and choose specific exam-takers enrolled in the course for which to post the exam.
- To select all displayed names, select the plus button in the header row of the table.
- To select exam-takers individually, select the plus button next to the name.
- To search, enter characters in the search box above the table.
- To search by using groups or sections, select the Filter button, enter the criteria, and then select Apply Filters.
- After making your selections, select Save (near the top right corner of the page).
- Enter the required dates to establish the schedule for this exam. In each field, either select a date from the calendar, or type the date in this format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM am/pm.
- Schedule Date: For reporting purposes, set the date and time for the exam. This field is for reporting purposes only. You control the actual start time by setting the download period (below) and by choosing when to give the password to the exam-takers.
- Download Start/End: Specify the range of time when exam-takers can download the exam in Examplify. For example, you might want to allow downloads to start an hour before the exam and to end 15 minutes after the scheduled exam time. Exam-takers can start a downloaded exam when you provide the exam password.
- Or, you can also use the select Specific Students radio; then, select the Select Students button to open the slide-out window (shown below) and choose specific exam-takers enrolled in the course for which to post the exam.
Remote Assessment Deletion: Although this feature is optional, it is selected by default. If you keep this setting (which automatically deletes all downloads from the exam-takers' computers), then you must enter the date and time. If you do not want this setting, deselect the checkbox.
- If Remote Assessment Deletion is enabled, you must set the date and time. This deadline applies to exams that were downloaded but not started. At the specified time, the exam will be removed from the exam-taker's computer. This setting is similar to "locking the door" to an exam room to prevent latecomers from taking the exam.
- If Remote Assessment Deletion is enabled, you must set the date and time. This deadline applies to exams that were downloaded but not started. At the specified time, the exam will be removed from the exam-taker's computer. This setting is similar to "locking the door" to an exam room to prevent latecomers from taking the exam.
Bulk Posting in the Post Assessment Settings
Bulk Posting is available only if configured for your department.
Bulk Posting: You can post a single assessment to multiple courses at once with the Bulk Posting setting. You'll need to turn on Bulk Posting and select a course(s) to post the assessment in. Note: You’ll need to enable Bulk posting at the course level first (and for each course) in order to Bulk Post an assessment in a course. An error message will display if you try to bulk post to a course that doesn’t have it enabled.
- Faculty cannot make any changes on the Assessment Options page or the View Assessments page and can only make changes on the Post Settings page up until the date of the Download Start time.
- To make edits to the assessment settings, go to the individual assessment for each course and change them to your preferences.
- The assessment has both Posted and Draft copies on the Assessments tab. Only make edits to the settings of the posted copy, do not make edits to the Draft copy.
- For the Draft copy:
- We do not recommend archiving the Draft copy because it will also archive the assessment in every course that it was bulk posted in. Additionally, if you archive the Draft copy, it will archive all the other linked assessments as well.
- The draft assessment remains a draft after a bulk posting but is linked to that group of existing linked postings. However, if you change the draft assessment for the next bulk posting, the previous posting is not modified.
We do not recommend making edits to the Draft copy settings because the edits will not carry over to the posted assessment once it's bulk posted.
How does Bulk posting affect linked assessments, settings, and generating reports?
- Bulk posting and generating reports: Any duplicate(d) assessments and the original assessment are treated as one assessment for reporting purposes. You can either generate a report that has the combined data or generate the reports separately.
- Bulk posting and linked assessments: Any bulk posted assessment postings will be linked to each other, but not to the original assessment. If you archive one of the linked assessments, it will archive all. Additionally, the assessment you are posting from will remain a draft posting. You can bulk post multiple times from the save draft posting. See, Enterprise Portal: Duplicate an Assessment Linked and Unlinked.
Optional Settings
- You can add Assessment Admins who can manage this assessment. Start typing a name, and then select from the list.
- Or, select Browse All to open a slide-out window where you can use search and filter options to find admins.
- After making your selections, select Save (near the top right corner of the page).
Note: Anyone who is assigned as an admin for the course or the assessment already has these permissions.
- Or, select Browse All to open a slide-out window where you can use search and filter options to find admins.
- You can set an Upload Deadline to prevent the exam-takers from submitting their answer files after the deadline. If you enable this feature, we recommend that you also use the Email Reminders feature, below, to alert your exam-takers about the pending deadline.
- If you want to allow exam-takers to retake the exam multiple times, you can set the number of Maximum Downloads. This option is most commonly used for mock exams, practice exams, and other types of assessments.
- You can set Email Reminders to alert the exam-takers about the download deadline, the upload deadline, or both. The reminder email will be sent only to exam-takers who have not uploaded their exams by that time.
Note: To prevent the exam-takers from starting the exam after a specific time, please use Remote Assessment Deletion.
- Assessment Review Settings: This setting allows the exam-takers to review their performance after submitting the exam. For more information, see the "Assessment Review Settings" section below.
Additional Security Options
- Remote Assessment Deletion: This setting applies to exams that were downloaded but not started. At the specified time, the exam will be removed from the exam-taker's computer. This setting is similar to "locking the door" to an exam room to prevent latecomers from taking the exam. For more information, see the "Remote Assessment Deletion" section below.
- Ping & Release: Select this option for extra security. When an exam-taker tries to start the assessment, the server will check to ensure that it is the exam-taker's first attempt. If the assessment has already been started, this feature will not allow the exam-taker to resume the assessment unless a Resume Code is entered. For more information, see the "Ping & Release" section below.
Assessment Review Settings
Secure Exam Review allows exam-takers to review their completed assessments in a controlled environment with access to the questions and their responses.Tip: To learn about the Exam Review from the exam-taker's perspective, see: Examplify: Reviewing Your Results with Secure Exam Review
Review Type: You can make the review available immediately or at a later date.
Immediate Review:If you select this option, the exam-taker will be prompted for Review Password immediately after finishing their exam. They will enter the review session upon successful Review Password entry. The results displayed reflect all questions types except essay questions, which require grading by the instructor or proctor. It is important that the exam-taker completes the review and then, submits their exam.
Delayed Review: If you select this option, you must set the Start Time and the Delete By Date. For example, you might want to set these dates to coincide with the start/end time of a class period when you will review the exam. At this time, the exam-takers will be able to log in to the exam entering the exam-day password, followed by the Assessment Review Password (which you'll set up below).
Immediate Review:If you select this option, the exam-taker will be prompted for Review Password immediately after finishing their exam. They will enter the review session upon successful Review Password entry. The results displayed reflect all questions types except essay questions, which require grading by the instructor or proctor. It is important that the exam-taker completes the review and then, submits their exam.
- Assessment Review Password: When Assessment Review is enabled, an Assessment Review Password is required. Enter a 6-60 character alphanumeric password. You will need to provide this password to your exam-takers so that they can access the review.
- Set a Time Limit for the review. When Assessment Review is enabled, an time limit is required. When the time limit expires, Examplify will close the review
- Under Options to Enable, select the options that you want enabled.
If the Incorrect Answers Only checkbox is unchecked, Exam-Takers will see:
Incorrectly answered questions appear with a red X, with the correct answer listed as well as their incorrect answer.
Correctly answered questions appear with a green checkmark.
Unanswered questions have no indicators.
If the Incorrect Answers Only checkbox is checked, Exam-Takers will see:
Incorrectly answered questions appear with a red X, with only their incorrect answer answer listed
Correctly answered questions appear with a green checkmark.
Unanswered questions have no indicators.
- Select Show Rationale if you have written rationales when creating your questions that you want the exam-takers to see in the review.
Note: Rationales can help an exam-taker to learn from the exam. For example, it might refer to a relevant textbook chapter.
Remote Assessment Deletion
Remote Assessment Deletion allows users to configure a date and time after which an assessment that has not yet been taken will be removed from the exam-taker’s computer.
Note: Remote Assessment Deletion cannot be enabled or disabled once an assessment has been posted.
- The Remote Deletion Date must fall after the Download End time.
- You can edit the Remote Assessment Deletion Date and Time after the secure assessment has been posted.
- The next time Examplify checks the ExamSoft servers after the Remote Assessment Deletion Date and Time has passed, any untaken assessment files will be identified as expired and removed from the exam-taker’s computer.
- Examplify checks the ExamSoft servers on a fixed periodic schedule.
- Once the Deletion Date/Time has passed, you will not be able to make adjustments to the date/time. If you still need a student to complete this exam after the remote assessment deletion date/time has occurred, you will need to duplicate the exam and post it to the individual student(s) still needing to complete it.
Ping & Release
Ping & Release is available for both secure and non-secure assessments. This feature requires an internet connection to enter the exam (or resume code from instructor) and serves two purposes.
- Exam-takers are unable to open a second copy of an exam unless granted permission by their instructor/proctor via the Resume Code.
- Exam-takers are unable to enter the exam past the scheduled Remote Assessment Deletion time unless granted permission by their instructor/proctor via the Resume Code.
- The exam-taker will be required to enter the resume code issued by their instructor/proctor to start the second copy of the exam. The second copy of the exam is not connected to the original copy, and therefore, the exam taker must start the exam from the beginning.
- Resume Codes can only be provided by their instructor/proctor.
- ExamSoft support will not provide these codes to exam takers.
Note: A correct exam password entry counts as the initial “ping.” Even if the exam taker has not started the exam but has successfully entered the password, when they enter the second copy of the exam on any device they will be prompted for the Resume Code.
- Ping & Release requires that the exam-taker has an internet connection when launching the exam from the Examplify dashboard.
- For secure exams, an internet connection is needed to launch the exam but will be disconnected when the exam starts.
- For information about the exam-taker experience with Ping & Release warning messages, see: Resume Codes for "Ping & Release"-Enabled Exams
- For information about issuing continuation codes in response to such messages, see: Enterprise Portal: Issue Resume Codes and Continuation Codes
- For more information about the exam-taker experience with reviewing their exam, see Examplify: Review Your Results with Secure Exam Review