Enterprise Portal: Print an Assessment

If this feature is enabled for your department, there might be occasions when you decide to print an assessment for your own use or to give to the exam-takers. For example, you might need to provide a printout of an assessment as an accommodation for certain exam-takers or as a backup plan for exam-takers who forget their devices or have other exam-day issues that prevent them from using Examplify. You can provide them with printed assessments and ScantronĀ® forms. Later, you can import the answer data into the system to ensure that these results are included in all analytical reports.

Note: Question types that can be imported include multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, hot spot, and essay. 



  1. Log in to your institution's ExamSoft portal.
  2. Select the course and the assessment.
  3. Select the Preview/Print button (near the top right corner of the page).
  4. When the PDF preview appears, select the Print button (near the top right corner of the page).
  5. In the pop-up window, select the options that you want.


    The pop-up window allows you to print an exam-taker copy or an instructor/proctor copy.

    • Student View: Recommended when printing an assessment for an exam-taker who needs a paper copy of the assessment.
      • This view prints the assessment's questions and answer choices without indicating the correct answer choices.
      • If your assessment includes attachments, select the appropriate checkboxes.
      • If your assessment includes Hot Spot questions, select the Coordinates checkbox, so that the images will appear with the X, Y coordinates for the exam-taker to use when indicating a "pin" position on the answer form.
      • If your assessment includes NCLEX (NGN) - Bowtie, Matrix, Ordering, Matching - question types, you will see very few differences between the Examplify test and the printed assessment. (See the example below for the printed student view.)
      • If your assessment includes Fill in the Blank questions with Drop-Down answers, also known as NCLEX (NGN) Cloze (Drop-Down) items, each Drop-Down answer will appear as a list of options next to the answer number on the printed assessment. As that interaction is not applicable on paper, the students will only need to select the correct answers. (See the example below for the printed student view.)
      • If your assessment includes NCLEX (NGN) Cloze (Drop-down) question type, the question and answers will appear as a fill-in-the-blank question on the printed assessment.

      • If your assessment includes NCLEX (NGN) Case Study, you'll need to take a screenshot of each tab. Then, add the screenshots to a document that you can provide to students needing a printed assessment.

    • Faculty View: Recommended for internal use. You can opt to include the psychometrics, answer key, rationale, attachments, the question IDs, and categories.

      Tip: After you select Print (in the next step), you'll see a print preview so that you can ensure that you've selected all of the necessary options to meet your needs. If needed, you can cancel printing and modify these selections.

  6. Select the Print button in the lower right corner of the pop-up window.
  7. When the print preview appears, select the printer and the number of copies to print, and then select Print


Next Steps

After the exam-takers complete the assessment, you can import the answer data. See: Enterprise Portal: Prepare and Import Data from Scantron Forms


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