Legacy Portal: Deliver a Make-Up Assessment

If an exam-taker is not able to sit for an assessment at the scheduled time, you might choose to provide an opportunity to make up the missed exam. This article describes three options to set up make-up assessments.




Option 1: Edit the Dates in the Posting 

With this option, you'll edit the post settings of the assessment to change the download end date and the upload deadline (if applicable). These changes will allow the exam-taker(s) to take the assessment on the date that you have specified for the make-up assessment. All exam-takers' results will be included in the reports for this assessment.
  1. If the exam was already downloaded by the individuals who need the make-up assessment, instruct them to remove the exam from Examplify.

    Note: Refer them to the "Remove a Downloaded Exam" instructions on the Exam-Taker Help Site.

  2. In your ExamSoft Portal, open the assessment, and scroll down to the Postings section of the screen. 
  3. Select the pencil icon for the posting.
  4. In the Edit Posting pop-up window, change the Download End and Upload Deadline to the desired dates for the make-up assessment. 
  5. At the bottom of the pop-up window, select Save Post to save your changes and post the assessment.
  6. On the desired date, notify the make-up exam-takers to download and take the exam.


Option 2: Create a Make-Up Course and Repost the Assessment

With this option, you'll create an entirely new course, assign the exam-takers who need to take the make-up assessment, and post the assessment to the make-up course. 

Note: You can create a course only if you have Admin rights.
  1. Create a make-up course:
    1. Hover over the Admin menu (at the top of the screen), and then select Courses


    2. Select the Create New Course button, and then enter the information to create a course.

      Tip: You can enter course start/end dates that are very close to the testing date.

    3. Select Save.
  2. Assign the exam-taker(s) who need to take the make-up assessment:
    1. On the Course Management page, search by the course ID or the course name to find the new course that you created.
    2. Select the Assign Exam-Takers button (on the right side of the screen).


    3. In the pop-up window, select the green plus sign for each exam-taker who needs to take the make-up assessment. 
    4. At the bottom of the pop-up window, select Update to assign the selected exam-takers and close the pop-up window.
  3. Post the assessment to the newly created course:
    1. Select the Assessments menu (at the top of the screen).
    2. Select the assessment.
    3. Scroll down below the question list and select Post Assessment.
    4. In the Post Assessment pop-up window, select the newly created course.


    5. Enter the dates and any other settings that you want for this make-up assessment.
    6. Scroll down and select Post Assessment.
  4. Notify the make-up exam-taker(s) to download and take the exam.


Option 3: Create a New Version of the Assessment and Post It to a Make-Up Course

With this option, you'll create a different version of the assessment with different questions and settings. As with Option 2, you'll create an entirely new course so that the assessment is posted only to the exam-taker(s) who need to make up the assessment. 
  1. Create a new assessment, or duplicate the original assessment and edit the questions as needed.

    Note: For more information, see:

  2. Follow the procedure in the "Create a Make-Up Course and Repost the Assessment" section of this article.
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