Follow this procedure if you’ve posted an assessment and you are ready to permanently retire the assessment.
Note: Retiring an assessment is the same thing as deleting an assessment. After you retire an assessment, it will no longer be available to Exam-Makers or Exam-Takers.
This action is irrevocable.
- Select the Assessments menu.
- Select an assessment.
- Select the Retire button below the assessment questions.
- If you hover over the Retire button, you will see a tooltip stating that Retire, “Allows this assessment to be deleted.”
- Once you select the Retire button, a message will appear: “This option will permanently retire/delete this assessment. Are you sure you want to continue?”
- If you want to continue with the permanent deletion of the assessment, select OK. Or, select Cancel to return to the Assessment page.
- After you’ve selected OK to delete the assessment, you will be returned to the Assessments Home page, and you’ll see a green confirmation message.