Legacy Portal: View the Strengths and Opportunities Report (S&O Report)

The Strengths and Opportunities Report shows an individual exam-taker's performance across all categories on a specified exam posting. It is the same report that is sent to students when you release results. (See: Legacy Portal: Release Results to Exam-Takers)

In this procedure, you'll configure and download your own copy of the report. For example, a university instructor might want to print the report to discuss with students during conferences. The category-by-category data will help you to identify the areas where each exam-taker is excelling or needs to improve.



  1. Select the Assessments menu.
  2. Select the assessment.
  3. Select Reporting/Scoring tab, and then select Strengths and Opportunities.
  4. Select the exam-taker(s) whose results you want to include in this report.

    Note: To select all exam-takers, select the checkbox in the header row.

  5. Select Next.
  6. Select the options that you want to include in this report.


    You can include or omit the following sections:

    • Category Performance. If you include this section, use the magnifying glass icon to select the categories to include. Use the other checkboxes to choose how much detail to provide about each category.
    • Scores. If you choose to display the score, you can display a percentage or a letter grade. Use the other checkboxes to choose how much detail to provide.
    • Assessment. You can include details such as the full text of the question and the answer choices. You can include or omit details such as the rationale, the essay responses, and the attachments.
    • Exam-Taker Specific Info. You have several options here. For example, you can include all of the exam-taker's answers or only the questions that they got wrong. You can present the questions in the actual question sequence that this exam-taker saw on the exam, or in the order that the questions are listed in the assessment settings.
    • Statistics. You can choose which statistics to include or omit.
  7. Select Download (at the bottom of the screen) to download the report(s) for the selected exam-taker(s).



The report will be downloaded as a PDF file. The information in the report depends on the options that you selected.

  • Multiple exam-takers: All reports will be downloaded together in a multi-paged document. Look for the exam-taker's name in the top right corner of each page.
  • Categories (if included):


    • For each selected category, you'll see a bar graph showing the full range of possible scores. A star icon represents this exam-taker's score. A diamond icon represents the average/mean.
    • On the right side of the page, you'll see the exam-taker's score in this category, the average score of all exam-takers in this category, and the fraction of questions that were answered correctly, such as 2/3 (2 correct out of 3 questions in the category). You'll also see an icon indicating whether this exam-taker is Doing Well, Needs Review, or Needs Improvement.
  • Questions and Answers (if included): The selected question and answer details will appear.


    • The question number is color coded to indicate whether the exam-taker answered correctly (green), incorrectly (red), or received partial credit (yellow). The Points column shows the number of points that the exam-taker earned in bold text and the number of points earned by peers in parentheses.
    • The exam-taker's response also is color coded to indicate that it is correct (green), incorrect (red), or partially correct (yellow).

      Note: If the scoring was adjusted to accept an incorrect answer as correct, the color coding will show that the exam-taker answered the question correctly; however, the response text may show in red.

    • If hot spot questions were included on the exam, the images will be displayed with a thick black border enclosing the correct hot spot location. The exam-taker's pin position will be shown as a red circle. Any responses within the border are correct, while any on or outside of the border are incorrect.



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