Legacy Portal: Export Longitudinal Grades

The Longitudinal Grade Export feature allows Users to export more than one grade at a time. This feature generates an exportable report, displaying exam-taker performance on assessments over a period of time. 

The Longitudinal Grade Export Report is important in measuring the academic growth of exam-takers, and it provides key achievement data for accountability purposes. 


Before You Begin

Set your grade preferences. See: Legacy Portal: Set Your Grade Preferences



  1. Navigate to the Reports tab and select Longitudinal Grade Export.
  2. In the PrimaryFilter, select the Posted dates, User, and Courses.

    Note: This will filter the assessments based on the Posting Information.

  3. In the Secondary Filter, select the assessments to include and the the type of score to show.
  4. In the Final Filter, select the Exam-Taker Group and the exam-takers to be included.
  5. Select the Exam-Taker Information to be included in the report.
  6. Select the Run Report button.

    The Longitudinal Grade Export Report will be generated at the bottom of the page. Depending on the number of exam-takers  and the number of assessments, this process might take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes.

  7. Review the column headers. You can edit each column header on screen.
  8. Once you are satisfied, select Export to export the full report to CSV.
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