Mac: Set Up the Device Permissions for ExamID and ExamMonitor

To ensure that your Mac has all of the necessary permissions enabled to prevent "Device access denied" issues for ExamID and ExamMonitor, complete all of these procedures.

Note: These instructions are designed for macOS 10.13, 10.14, and 10.15.




Camera Access

  1. Navigate to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Camera.
  2. Select the Examplify check box.


    If you need additional information about your Mac settings, see this article from Apple.


Microphone Access

  1. Navigate to System Preferences>Security & Privacy>Microphone.
  2. Select the Examplify check box.


    If you need additional information about your Mac settings, see this article from Apple.


Full Disk Access

  1. Navigate to System Preferences>Security & Privacy>Full Disk Access.
  2. Select the Examplify check box.



Screen Recording Access (macOS Catalina)

Note: Complete this procedure if you have macOS Catalina (10.15).

  1. Navigate to System Preferences>Security & Privacy>Screen Recording.
  2. Select the Examplify check box.



Next Steps

After enabling all of the above permissions, restart your computer, and then start Examplify. For more information about preparing for your upcoming exam, see: Examplify: Take an Exam with ExamID and ExamMonitor.

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