Examplify: Uninstall on a Mac

Follow these procedures to uninstall Examplify and to allow for a clean reinstall.


Before You Begin

Remove any exams that you've downloaded but not taken yet. See: Download or Remove an Exam​​​​​





  1. Use the Finder to open the Applications folder. 
  2. Find the Examplify app. 
  3. Right-click the Examplify icon, and then select Move to Trash.
  4. On the Finder menu at the top of the screen, select Empty Trash


Remove Unneeded Folders

  1. Press: Command + Shift + Period to show hidden files.
  2. To relaunch Finder with the new settings: Hold down the Option key while right-clicking the Finder Icon, and then select Relaunch.
  3. On the Finder menu at the top of the screen, select Go, and then select Computer.
  4. Select the Macintosh HD.
  5. Delete these folders, if present:
    • \MacintoshHD\.adata-Examplify
    • \MacintoshHD\Users\Shared\.adata
    • \MacintoshHD\Users\Shared\.adata-Examplify
    Note: If you do not see these folders, it could be that the system files are not viewable. Holding down the Shift key and the Command key, type a period. If you still don't see these folders, disregard this step.
  6. Navigate to Library and then Application Support
  7. Find the Examplify folder and rename it: Examplify.OLD

  8. Restart your Mac.


Next Steps

If you wish, you can re-install Examplify. See: Examplify for Windows and Mac: Download, Install, and Register Examplify

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