Follow these procedures to uninstall Examplify and to allow for a clean reinstall.
Before You Begin
Remove any exams that you've downloaded but not taken yet. See: Download or Remove an Exam
- Use the Finder to open the Applications folder.
- Find the Examplify app.
- Right-click the Examplify icon, and then select Move to Trash.
- On the Finder menu at the top of the screen, select Empty Trash.
Remove Unneeded Folders
- Press: Command + Shift + Period to show hidden files.
- To relaunch Finder with the new settings: Hold down the Option key while right-clicking the Finder Icon, and then select Relaunch.
- On the Finder menu at the top of the screen, select Go, and then select Computer.
- Select the Macintosh HD.
- Delete these folders, if present:
- \MacintoshHD\.adata-Examplify
- \MacintoshHD\Users\Shared\.adata
- \MacintoshHD\Users\Shared\.adata-Examplify
- Navigate to Library and then Application Support.
- Find the Examplify folder and rename it: Examplify.OLD
- Restart your Mac.
Next Steps
If you wish, you can re-install Examplify. See: Examplify for Windows and Mac: Download, Install, and Register Examplify