Create NCLEX (NGN) Grouped Multiple Response Items

In the NCLEX, Grouped Multiple Response items present a long list of answer choices, organized into categories. The exam-taker must select at least one response from each category.

NCLEX Example: Grouped Multiple Response Item

In ExamSoft, you can use the Drag and Drop question type to approximate these items. 

ExamSoft Example




Enterprise Portal: Create a Grouped Multiple Response Item

  1. Create a question, and select the Drag and Drop question type.

    Note: For more information, see: Enterprise Portal: Basic Steps to Create and Edit Questions

  2. Enter the question text, including instructional text to help the exam-takers understand what to do in the drag and drop interaction.
    • Explain what they are seeing on the left and what they need to drag to the right. For example: "On the left, review the list of possible physician orders. Drag the anticipated orders to the right. Be sure to include at least one order from each category (Imaging, Monitoring, and Medications)."
    • If you select the Partial Credit option (which is available below the Answers area), include wording to make the exam-takers aware that they should not guess. For example: “Answer carefully. Dragging incorrect answers into the box can result in 0 credit for this question.”
  3. (Optional) Enter Section Titles appropriate to the question.

    Example: In the following example, we entered Orders above the box that contains the answer choices, and entered Anticipated above the box where the exam-takers drag their responses.


  4. Enter the answer choices in the Possible Answers box.

    To approximate the style of the NCLEX Grouped Multiple Response item, include the category at the start of each answer choice, such as:

    Imaging - chest x-ray
    Imaging - echocardiogram
    Monitoring - continuous cardiac monitoring
    Monitoring - serial serum phosphorous levels


  5. For each correct answer choice, select the checkmark button.

    Note: For more information about setting up drag and drop questions, see: Enterprise Portal: Tips for Drag-and-Drop Questions

  6. (Recommended) Assign one or more categories. For more information, see: Enterprise Portal: Assign Categories to Questions
  7. (Optional) Select other options, if needed.


    • If the question involves an electronic health or medical record, you can upload an attachment. For more information about attachments, see: Attachment Types and Requirements
    • If there are multiple questions related to the same case, you can group the questions together after you add them to an assessment. 
  8. Save the question.


Legacy Portal: Create a Grouped Multiple Response Item

  1. Select the Questions menu (at the top of the screen).
  2. Select the Create Drag & Drop button.

    Note: For more information, see: Legacy Portal: Basic Steps to Create and Edit Questions

  3. Enter the question text, including instructional text to help the exam-takers understand what to do in the drag and drop interaction.
    • Explain what they are seeing on the left and what they need to drag to the right. For example: "On the left, review the list of possible physician orders. Drag the anticipated orders to the right. Be sure to include at least one order from each category (Imaging, Monitoring, and Medications)."
    • If you select the Partial Credit option (which is available in the Options area on the left side of the screen), include wording to make the exam-takers aware that they should not guess. For example: “Answer carefully. Dragging incorrect answers into the box can result in 0 credit for this question.”


  4. (Optional) Enter Section Titles appropriate to the question.

    Example: In the following example, we entered Orders above the box that contains the answer choices, and entered Anticipated above the box where the exam-takers drag their responses.


  5. Enter the Answer Choices in the box (on the left).

    To approximate the style of the NCLEX Grouped Multiple Response item, include the category at the start of each answer choice, such as:

    Imaging - chest x-ray
    Imaging - echocardiogram
    Monitoring - continuous cardiac monitoring
    Monitoring - serial serum phosphorous levels


    Tip: As you type each answer choice, consider using the Bold button (on the toolbar) to make the category labels more noticeable.

  6. For each correct answer choice, select the checkbox in the Correct column. The selected choices will also appear in the box on the right.

    Note: For more information about setting up drag and drop questions, see: Legacy Portal: Tips for Drag-and-Drop Questions

  7. (Recommended) Assign one or more categories. For more information, see: Legacy Portal: Assign Categories to Questions
  8. (Optional) Select other options, if needed.


    • If the question involves an electronic health or medical record, you can upload an attachment. For more information about attachments, see: Attachment Types and Requirements
    • If there are multiple questions related to the same case, you can group the questions together after you add them to an assessment. For more information, see: Legacy Portal: Create a Group of Questions
  9. Save the question.
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