Enterprise Portal: Add and Manage Exam-Taker Accounts

Exam-takers need accounts so that they can use Examplify and log in to the exam-taker portal. Institution admins and Department admins can add and manage these accounts.

Note: This article explains how to manage exam-taker accounts from the User Management page. Another way to add and manage exam-taker accounts is by using the course page. See: Enterprise Portal: Add and Manage Exam-Takers for a Course




Find Exam-Taker Accounts

  1. Select the Admin menu (near the top right corner of the page).
  2. Select Users.


  3. Select the Students menu (at the top of the screen).
  4. Select a department.



    • As a shortcut, you can click to open the department list and then type the first letter of the department name. The list will scroll to that section. Then you can press the down-arrow key to scroll down to the department that you need. Finally, press the Enter key to select the department.
    • To search for a particular account, enter one or more characters in the Find User box (above the table), and then press the Enter key.
    • Only the active exam-takers are listed. To view the deactivated exam-takers, select the Filter button, select Include Inactive Users, and then select Apply Filters.
    • If you want to see more information about the exam-takers, select the Columns button (at the right end of the header row), and then select the column(s) to add.



Add or Edit an Exam-Taker Account

Note: Only Department and Institution Admins can manage student accommodations. If you are a Course Admin and need to update a student accommodation, please contact your Department or Institution Admin.

  1. Navigate to the exam-taker accounts list as described in Find Exam-Taker Accounts
  2. Add or edit an account by using one of these options:
    • To add a new exam-taker account: Select Create Student (in the top right corner).
    • To edit an existing account: Use the search box to search for the account, and then select the pencil icon (on the right side of the row).


  3. Enter the exam-taker information.
    • Student ID: Enter a unique ID for each exam-taker. Do not include the following characters: 

      /  \  :  ? * ” < > |

    • Email address: ExamSoft sends an invitation email to help the exam-taker get started and sends various other emails, including exam upload confirmations and exam reminders. In addition, the email address is used to log in to the ExamSoft online portal and must be unique to each exam-taker.

      Note: You might have certain users, such as teaching assistants, who need an exam-taker account and an admin account; in this case, two different email addresses must be used to set up these two accounts.

    • Courses: (Optional) If you want to identify other courses for this user, start typing the name of a course, and then select it from the list. However, we recommend that you enroll exam-takers in courses when creating those courses.
    • Lab User: (Optional) When selected, this user can only use a lab device. Leave this option unchecked to allow the use of a personal device.
    • Non-secure: (Optional) As an accommodation, you can select this option so that any secure exams will be delivered to this exam-taker without the security restrictions.
    • Extra time: (Optional) As an accommodation, you can select this option so that this exam-taker has extra time during all timed assessments. To specify the amount of extra time to add, use the slider tool or text field to select a percentage from 100 - 400.
    • Time zone: Time zone is important so that exam times display in the exam-taker's local time.
  4. Finalize your inputs:
    • If you are adding a new account: Select Create. An invitation will be sent, and the exam-takers will have 30 days to finalize their accounts. Exam-takers must accept the invitation and complete the Examplify registration process in order to be active within the portal and take their exams.
    • If you are editing an existing account: Select Save.


Invite or Bulk-Invite Exam-Takers

  1. Find the exam-taker(s) that you want to invite.
  2. Select the checkboxes for each user to invite, or select the checkbox in the header row of the table to select all users.
  3. At the bottom of the page, select Invite.



Delete Exam-Taker Accounts

Note: If you prefer, you can deactivate rather than delete the account.
  1. Find the account(s) that you want to delete.
  2. Choose one of these options:
    • If you need to review the account details before deleting the account: Select the pencil icon (on the right side of the row), review the information, and then select Delete (near the top right corner of the user details page).


    • In the list of users, select the check box for one or more accounts, and then select Delete (near the bottom of the page).



Deactivate Exam-Taker Accounts

You can deactivate an account to keep the user information in storage but prevent the user from logging on and from being added to courses.
  1. Find the account(s) that you want to deactivate.
  2. Select the checkbox for each account that you want to deactivate, or select the check box in the header row to select all accounts on the current page.
  3. Select Deactivate, at the bottom of the page.



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