When you are viewing the ExamID and ExamMonitor results for an exam-taker, you can print the on-screen information or save it as a PDF.
- In your ExamSoft Portal, select the Exam Integrity menu.
- Navigate to the Exam-Taker Details page for the exam-taker whose results you want to print or save to PDF.
Note: For detailed information about finding and interpreting an exam-taker's results, see: Exam Integrity: Review ExamID and ExamMonitor Results
- Select the ExamID tab or the ExamMonitor tab, depending on which type of information you want to view.
- When the information that you want is displayed on the screen, open the Print settings by using one of these methods:
- Right-click a blank area of the screen (for example, in the white space on the left side of the screen). Then select Print.
- Press Ctrl+P (on a Windows PC).
- Press Command+P (on a Mac).
- Enter the print settings:
- Destination:
- If you want to print the information: Select your printer.
- If you want to save the information: Select Save as PDF.
- Pages: Select All to include all of the on-screen information.
- Layout: Select Portrait for best results.
- Select More Settings.
- Select the checkbox for Background Graphics.
Note: The information will be properly formatted when the background graphics are included.
- Destination:
- At the bottom of the dialog box, select Print (if you chose a printer) or Save (if you selected Save as PDF).
- If you are saving as PDF, you will be prompted to select the place where you want to save the file on your computer or network. For example, save it on your Desktop so that you can find it quickly. Be sure to give the file a unique, descriptive name.
- On the ExamMonitor tab, you also can download a PDF or CSV of the Incident Report by selecting the Download Report button.