Enterprise Portal: Best Practices for Syncing Courses

Follow these best practices to ensure that everything goes smoothly when syncing courses from your LMS.


  • Designate one person (with Institution Admin permissions) to handle the sync processes for your institution. Having one person in this role can prevent confusion about what has been done and what needs to be done next.
  • Courses must be published in your LMS before they can be synced in Examsoft.
  • Before syncing courses for a new semester, remove all expired courses from your Sync List.
  • Use caution with the Import Sync List feature. If you import a sync list, it should be a complete list of the courses that you want to include in your Sync List. When you import a sync list, it replaces all previous data in the Sync List.
  • When adding or editing courses in your Sync List, be sure to assign the Start Date, End Date, and Department. Remember that every course in your ExamSoft Portal is uniquely represented by the Course ID, Start Date, and End Date. You cannot have multiple courses with the same combination of ID, Start Date, and End Date. Even if the courses are in different departments, this combination must be unique.
  • After you make changes in your Sync List, run a manual sync, and then verify that everything synced as expected. Also assign the instructor. If applicable, enable ExamID and/or ExamMonitor.


Next Steps

To ensure that you don't miss any important steps when syncing your courses, we recommend that you follow these how-to instructions: Enterprise Portal: Sync Courses from Your LMS


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