Map: Creating Coverage Reports - Option 1

  • The steps below describe how to create a coverage report with your accreditation standards as the primary document and your curriculum as the secondary document.
  • This places your accreditation standards on the left side of the coverage table and your curriculum on the right side.
  • To display a different document (e.g., staff, instructional methods or assessments) against your curriculum in the coverage report, simply replace the accreditation standards document with the required document in the workflow. The process is the same regardless of which document you use.

To create a coverage report:

  1. Login to the Liftupp Portal on a laptop or PC (ExamSoft recommends using Google Chrome as your web browser).
  2. Click the Map button in the navigation bar at the top of the screen.
  3. Click the Coverage tab.
  4. Select your primary document (accreditation standards):
    1. Click the arrow in the primary document selection box, to the right of ‘None’.
    2. Click the arrow to the right of ‘Documents’ to display a list of all the documents currently in Map.
    3. Select your accreditation standards document by clicking the empty circle to the right of the document name. A green check mark indicates the document is selected. This automatically selects all the items in the hierarchy of your accreditation standards document. You do not need to move through the document hierarchy and select items manually.
  5. Select items in your secondary document (curriculum document):
    1. Click the double back arrow in the top left to return to the initial document selection screen.
    2. Click the arrow in the secondary document(s) selection box, to the right of ‘None’.
    3. Click the arrow to the right of ‘Documents’ to display a list of all the documents currently in Map.
    4. Locate your curriculum document. Select the items in this document that you wish to display in the report by using the arrows to move through the document hierarchy and clicking the empty circles next to the item names. A green check mark indicates an item is selected. You can select as many items as you like in the secondary document.
      Note: You must select every item manually or by using the Select All option for each level of the tree. For secondary documents, selecting an item does not automatically select all items beneath it in the hierarchy).
    5. In the example below, the following items have been selected in the curriculum document:
      1. Curriculum as a whole (i.e., the curriculum document name)
      2. First professional year of study
      3. An individual course: Metab / Mol Biol / PGx
      4. Three learning outcomes associated with this course
  1. Review your document selections by clicking the double back arrow in the top left.
  2. Generate the coverage report:
    1. Click Generate to create a coverage report.
    2. The coverage report places all the accreditation standards in the first column of the table and the items from the curriculum in the columns to the right (see example below).
    3. Green check marks indicate items mapped between the two documents, whereas red crosses indicate items that are not mapped.
    4. The data aggregates, or rolls up, so even though you mapped at course or course learning outcome level, you can see the results for the curriculum as a whole or broken out by year of study.
    5. The column for the curriculum as a whole (Curriculum: Doctor of Pharmacy in the example above), is particularly useful as this shows how the accreditation standards are supported by the entire curriculum at a glance. Red crosses in this column are your curriculum gaps.
    6. Use the pagination controls to view more rows and columns in the table.
  3. Download the coverage report:
    1. You can download the coverage report to share it with faculty or your accrediting body, combine it with other programmatic data, and review it further in Excel.
    2. Click Download to export the report as a .CSV file and save it to a suitable location.
    3. Mapped items are indicated by the number 1 in the download, whereas unmapped items, or items set as unmappable are blank.
    4. Use the Excel auto-filter to review your data in different ways:
      1. For example, deselect the mapped items in your curriculum as a whole (column E in the figure below) to show only your curriculum gaps. In this case, there is one accreditation standard (cell D8) that is not being covered by the curriculum.
      2. Alternatively, deselect the blanks for a particular course (column G in the figure below) to show only those accreditation standards that are taught in the course. Here, four accreditation standards are being met by this course (cells D4:D7).
  4. Amend the coverage report:
    1. If you’d like to change the data displayed in the coverage report, or create a new report, click the Amend option to return to the initial document selection screen.
    2. Either edit the existing document selection, or click Reset Selection to create a new coverage report.
  • You can display items from multiple secondary documents against your accreditation standards in the same report by repeating steps 5a-5d above for each secondary document you wish to include.
  • For example, curricular areas, assessments and faculty can be displayed together alongside your accreditation standards:
Additional information can be found in our Map User Guide, which you can download here or from the Help menu in your Liftupp Portal.
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