Legacy Portal: Create and Manage Rubrics

You can create rubrics to quantify student achievement on performance-based assessments. You assign categories to all dimensions within a rubric to effectively track and report student progress with learning objectives.

Note: For a video guide, see our recorded webinar "Rubrics: Less Subjectivity, More Objectivity" (link opens in YouTube)




Create a Rubric

  1. At the top of the screen, select the Rubrics menu.
  2. Select Create New Rubric.
  3. Enter a Title, and select a Folder.
  4. (Optional) Add a Description to distinguish the rubric from others already in the folder.
  5. Specify the number of Rows (Dimensions) and Columns (Performance Levels) to appear in the rubric.


    • A rubric can include up to 250 rows and 6 columns. 
    • After the rubric is created, you can adjust the size.
  6. Indicate whether the rubric will be Points-Based or Scale Range.
    • Points: Each column will be worth a specified number of points, and no other value can be entered by the grader.
    • Scale Range: Each column will allow the grader to enter points within the range that you specify. For example, you could set up the top performance level so that the grader would be able to enter a value from 95 to 100.
  7. Set up the columns:
    • At the top of each column, enter a column heading to describe this level of performance, such as Excellent, Very Good, Good, and so on. Ensure that the highest level is on the left and the lowest level is on the right. 
    • Below the column name, enter the point value (or the range of values, if you selected the Scale Range option). Again, ensure that the highest point value is on the left and the lowest point value is on the right.
    • If you want to remove a column, select the red X button next to the column heading.
    • If you want to add a column, select the Add Another Level button below the rubric.
  8. Set up the rows:
    • On the left side of each row, next to the row number, add a Description of the task or item that you will be assessing. For example, if this is a rubric for a research paper, one row might be Grammar/Mechanics
    • To assign a category to this row, select the Categories button. In the pop-up window, select a green plus sign to select a category. After making all of your selections, select Done
    • As you move across the row, enter the criteria for each performance level. For example, under column 1, which we've labeled Excellent, we might enter Essay is virtually free of errors in grammar, spelling, and word usage.
    • If you want to remove a row, select the red X button on the right side of the row.
    • If you want to add a row, select the Add Another Dimension button below the rubric.
    • If you want to change the order of the rows, enter new row numbers in the boxes on the left side of each row. Then select the Order button, below the rubric.
  9. When you are satisfied with your rubric, select Save .

    Note: You can select Save as Template if you want to use this rubric as a baseline to create new rubrics in the future.


Manage Rubrics Folders

Users can create and organize rubrics under a customizable tree of folders and sub-folders. If given appropriate access, they may also share rubrics and rubric templates with others. 


Create a Folder

  1. On the home screen, select the Rubrics tab.
  2. Hover over the gear icon next to Rubrics, or any of the sub-folders, and select New Folder from the drop-down menu.
  3. Type in a title and select Create.
  4. Note: Users should customize folder structure according to specific institutional needs. Organize folders by subject, course or faculty for quick and easy access to rubrics.


Edit an Existing Folder

  • To change a folder's title, hover over the gear icon and select Edit Folder. Type in the new title.
  • Change the location of a folder by selecting Select Destination
  • Select a new top-level or sub-folder and click Save.


Delete a Folder

To remove a folder, hover over the gear icon and select Delete FolderA folder cannot be deleted unless all items are cleared or moved to another location.


Share a Folder

Users with full access to a given folder may share it with another user. 

  1. Hover over the gear icon and select Share Folder.
  2. Choose the User, assign permissions, and select Share Folder.


Folder-Specific Permissions

  • View: Allows users to view and use the rubrics within the folder on an assessment.
  • Create / Edit: Users may change or create new rubrics within the folder.
  • Templates: Users are able to view, edit, and create rubric templates within the folder.
  • Full: Users have complete access to everything within a folder and may share access rights with others.


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