Legacy Portal: Create a Performance Assessment with Rubrics

Performance-Based Assessments can include performances, presentations, uploaded assignments, clinical work, and similar assessments that are conducted without Examplify.



Before You Begin

Create the rubric(s) that you want to use for this assessment. See: Legacy Portal: Create a Rubric



  1. Select the Assessments menu.
  2. Select the Create New Assessment button.
  3. In the Assessment Type pop-up window, select Performance Grading.
  4. Enter the Title, the Type, and the Folder.  
  5. In the Scoring section, select Rubrics.
  6. Select Add Rubrics.
  7. In the pop-up window, select a rubric folder (on the left), and then select the plus icon for each rubric that you want to add to the assessment. When finished adding rubrics, select Close.



    • After selecting a folder, you might need to scroll up (using the scroll bar on the right side of the pop-up window) to see the list of rubrics.
    • If a folder contains a large number of rubrics, the results table will be presented on multiple pages. Use the controls above the Close button to show more items per page or to navigate between pages.
    • For a summary view of the rubric, select Preview.
    • To select all listed rubrics at once, select the checkbox in the header row, and then select the Add Selected to Assessment button. Note that selecting a checkbox does not immediately add the rubric to the assessment; you must select the checkbox(es) and then select the Add Selected to Assessment button.
    • An on-screen message indicates the number of rubrics that have been added.
    • To remove a selected rubric, select the X icon.
    • You can repeat this step to add rubrics from other folders.
  8. (Optional) In the Scoring section, make other adjustments:
    • To adjust the order in which the rubrics will be presented during grading, enter numbers in the Order column, and then select Reorder.
    • To adjust relative weights of the rubrics, enter numbers in the Weight column. To update the total weight, either press the Enter key or click outside the cell. Ensure that the total is 100%. 
    • There are two ways to view a rubric. For a summary view of the rubric, select Preview. For a full-size, full-color view of the rubric as it will appear to graders, select the magnifying glass icon.


  9. Select Save.


Next Steps

When you are ready to post the assessment, see: Legacy Portal: Post a Performance Assessment


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