Legacy Portal: Export an Assessment

It can be helpful to download a copy of the exam to print or to distribute. For example:

  • You can review a print-out to check for errors.
  • You can send a copy of the exam to your exam review committee.
  • You can print copies of the exam to use in case of technical difficulties during an on-site exam or to accommodate exam-takers who need to take the exam on paper. Answers from bubble sheets can be processed an imported into ExamSoft as long as your account has the Scantron Integration feature enabled. See: Legacy Portal: Prepare and Import Data from Scantron Forms

This article includes the Procedure and Best Practices.



You can export an assessment when it is in draft mode or after it has been posted. You can customize data to include. 

  1. Select the Assessments menu.
  2. Select the assessment that you want to print or export.
  3. At the bottom of the screen, below the questions, select Print/Export.
  4. At the top of the screen, select the Posting (optional), any pre-sets that you want to use, and the output format.
    • To save time, you can select Exam Taker or Faculty Review to pre-select some options that are commonly needed for these particular audiences. You can still customize the selections based on your own preferences.
    • Be sure to select your preferred file format: DOC or PDF
  5. Select the Assessment Information, Question Information, and other details to include.
  6. Select Print/Export.
  7. Extract the downloaded zip file, and then open your file, which you can then print or distribute as needed.


Best Practices

Scantron Assessments & Alternative Assessments
Having multiple paper copies of the assessment aides in delivering Scantron exams and assessments in a special testing situation. Students can be assigned with specific versions of the same test, and faculty can then upload these answers in the ExamSoft system to have student data included in reports.

Assessment Review Committees
Reviewing an exam in its entirety allows teams to determine the export type chosen. Any of these selections can be learning targets. The appropriateness of a question in a particular assessment will be determined by comparing the content of the question to the instructional objectives.

Building Assessments & Question Analytics
Instructors can work individually or collaborative to develop their cycles of formative and summative assessments. Considering the quality of the question is important when constructing effective assessments. Perhaps an ambiguously worded question or criterion is unclear. Maybe students misinterpreted the content of the question. Reviewing the question performance allows instructors to determine if the item appropriately addressed the knowledge, skill, and understanding they intended to measure.

Develop Feedback
Students require regular descriptive feedback to take decisive action and improve their understanding. The most effective feedback clearly identifies the learning outcome and offers suggestions for corrective action.

Curriculum Mapping
Faculty can engage in data-driven decision making through the review of assessments and the information provided by the question performance. Based on this data, faculty can make programmatic decisions that impact the curriculum and instructional delivery methods.

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