Legacy Portal: Prepare and Import Data from Scantron Forms

When this feature is enabled for institution, you can use this procedure to print the assessment and provide it to your exam-takers along with Scantron® answer sheets. After the exam, you can import the answer files so that the results will be included in the analytical reports. 


Before You Begin

  1. Plan ahead so that your assessment meets these requirements:
    • Scantron sheets can be used only with True/False, Multiple Choice (single and multiple answer), Ordering, Matching, Drag and Drop, and Fill in the Blank questions. Do not include other types of questions in your assessment.
    • If you are using a bubble sheet with more than one section of Fill in the Blank questions or if the bubble sheet does not have an option to bubble in multiple versions, generate only one version of the exam. (In the Number of Versions field on the Print/Export settings, select 1.)
    • When you import Fill in the Blank answers, only 25 characters will be imported. Only these special characters can be imported: period, $, %, <, >, -, +, space.
  2. Create and post the assessment.




Print the Exam

  1. Select the Assessments menu (at the top).
  2. Find the posted assessment in the table, and then select the assessment name to open the Contents page. 
  3. At the bottom of the Contents page and below the questions list, select Print/Export.


  4. In the Print/Export pop-up window, enter these settings:
    • Posting: Select the posting.
    • Export Type: Select Exam-Taker.
    • Format: By default, Computer Based Format is selected. Change it to Scantron Format, and select the Number of Versions.


      Note: If your assessment includes Fill in the Blank questions, a pop-up message appears. When you import FITB answers, only 25 characters will be imported. Only these special characters can be imported: period, $, %, <, >, -, +, space. Select OK to continue.

  5. Select other options, as needed.
  6. Scroll down, and select Print/Export.


Import the Answers

  1. Use your software program (i.e. Remark, Score IT, Scantron®, Apperson) to export the raw data as a CSV file.
  2. Open the exported CSV file in Excel.
  3. Make sure that data is organized in the following column order and that there are no column headers:
    • Column A:  Student ID (can be alpha-numeric)
    • Column B:  Test Form Version
    • Column C:  Empty Column (blank) 
    • Column D, E, and so on:  Exam-Taker Response to Question 1, 2, and so on


    Specific Requirements for Question Types:

    • When importing Multiple Choice questions with multiple answers, separate the answer responses with a space, as shown below:


    • When importing Fill-in-the-Blank (FITB) answers, separate the answer blanks with a vertical bar, or pipeline character, as shown below:


    • When importing Drag and Drop questions with multiple answers, separate the answer responses with a space, as shown below:Exam_Soft_-_Legacy__Drag_and_Drop.jpg
    • When importing Matching answers, separate the answer blanks with a vertical bar, or pipeline character, as shown below:Exam_Soft_-_Legacy__Matching.jpg
    • When importing Ordering answers, separate the answer blanks with a vertical bar, or pipeline character, as shown below:Exam_Soft_-_Legacy__Ordering.jpg
  1. Save as CSV file.
  2. Select the same posting that you selected before. 
  3. Select Import Answers.

    Note: When importing FITB answers, up to 25 characters can be imported. The ONLY special characters allowed include: period, $, %, <, < , -, +, space.

  4. Upload the answer file, and select Next.
  5. At the Import Validation screen, select Continue.
  6. Select the Exam-Takers to import, and then select Import Selected Rows.

    Note: Any errors appear in red. An import confirmation screen will appear.


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