Legacy Portal: Grade Performance Assessments with Rubrics

This article explains how to use rubrics to grade assessments such as performances, presentations, clinical rounds, and uploaded assignments such as essays and research papers. An assessment can include one or more rubrics. You (and other graders, if applicable) will enter scores by referring to objective descriptors of the various performance levels. You can enter comments to elaborate on your evaluation. 



  1. Select the assessment, select the Grade tab, and then select Grade Posting (All Rubrics)

    OR if you have a Grader Account:  Select the Start Grading button on the home page. Then select the Grade button for the assessment that you want to grade.

    This takes you to a page that lists all of the exam-takers.



    • To help you track your progress, an overall progress bar appears at the top of the screen, and an individual progress bar appears for each exam-taker.
    • Depending on the assessment settings, you might see the exam-takers' names, or you might see Anonymous.
  2. Select the Grade button for the first exam-taker (or whichever exam-taker you want to begin with).

    This takes you to the grading application, which appears in a pop-up window.

    • If this assessment does not involve an uploaded assignment, the rubric appears in full-screen mode.


      Note: You can select the Condense Grading Sheet button (at the top of the pop-up window) if you want to hide the long descriptions. You can view the descriptions for the various performance levels by hovering your mouse over the i icons.


    • If this assessment involved an uploaded assignment, it appears on the left side of the screen. The rubric appears in condensed mode. You can view the descriptions for the various performance levels by hovering your mouse over the i icons.


      Note: You have several choices about how to view the uploaded assignment.


      • You can select Download Answer File if you want to download the assignment for printing or viewing in another application.
      • You can use the full screen icon (in the top right corner of the page) to open the assignment in a pop-up window.
      • You can use the zoom controls (near the bottom of the page) to zoom in or out.
  3. For each Dimension (row) in the rubric, determine which description best matches your evaluation of this exam-taker's performance.
    • If Scale Ranges are shown in the column headings, notice the point values available for each Performance Level. Type a value in the Grade box (on the right side of the screen).


    • If there are no scale ranges, simply click the cell to indicate your rating. When selected, a cell is highlighted in color.


    As you enter your points or ratings, the Score (above the rubric) is updated.

  4. (Optional) Select the Comments icon (on the right side of the row), and then enter remarks to explain your evaluation.
  5. Continue until you have completed all of the rows in this rubric.
  6. (Optional) Enter Overall Comments (below the rubric).
  7. If the the Next Rubric button appears, select it to continue the grading process for this exam-taker. 
  8. When you finish evaluating this exam-taker, select Save (below the rubric).
  9. If there are additional exam-takers, select the Next Exam-Taker button, and continue the grading process. The progress bar at the top of the page will indicate the percentage completed.
  10. When the progress bar shows that the grading process is 100% complete, select the Exam-Takers button (at the top of the screen) to return to the list of exam-takers.

    The page displays the up-to-date grading progress and scores. You can verify that you have completed the grading.

    On the Exam-Takers page, you can select the Grader Assignments button (at the top of the screen) to return to the page that lists all of the assessments, and continue to grade as needed.


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