Legacy Portal: Push Grades to Your LMS

Once you have completed grading of an assessment, you may need to manually Push grades from ExamSoft to your connected LMS. 



  1. Select the Assessments tab (at the top of the screen).
  2. Select the Gear icon in the top right corner of the table to add a column.


  3. Select Push Grades to LMS from the list.  

    Important: If you do not see this option in the list, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

  4. Locate the assessment for which you wish to push the grades to LMS.
  5. Select the Push Grades button.


  6. Select an existing Grade Column or create a new one. This name will be shown within your LMS grade-book.



  7. Select the Score Type.
  8. Select Send Grades to LMS.

    You will see confirmation if this action was successful.

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