Legacy Portal: Release Results to Exam-Takers

Releasing the results of an assessment will enable the exam-takers to monitor their own progress and to make adjustments in their studying strategies. 




Release the Results

  1. Select the Assessments menu. 
  2. Select the assessment that you want to release the results for.
  3. Select Reporting/Scoring to open the dropdown menu, and then select Release Exam-Taker Results.


  4. Select the exam-takers that you want to receive the results.

    Note: If you want to select all exam-takers (recommended), select the checkbox in the header row. Only the selected exam-takers will be able to view their results.

  5. Select Next.
  6. Select the information to include in the report.

    Note: If you want to require the exam-takers to enter a password before accessing the report in the exam-taker portal, enter a Results Password. For example, a professor might want to discuss an exam during class and then give the students the password.

  7. (Optional) Select Preview to see a sample report.

    This step is not required but is strongly recommended. The sample report will include one randomly chosen exam-taker's results to illustrate the information that is included. You can then adjust the options, as needed, before you release the results.

  8. Release the results:
    • If you want to post the results and send an email notification, select Send Link With email. The email will include a link to your institution's exam-taker portal, along with instructions explaining how to view the results. You'll be able to enter a customized message, select other options, and preview the message before sending it.
    • If you want to post the results without sending an email notification, select Post to Exam-Taker Portal.

    Note: Depending on the settings in My Preferences, you might receive a copy of the grade report via email whenever you release the results for an assessment. For more information about these settings, see: Legacy Portal: Export Grades


Re-Release the Results

If you've previously released the results of an assessment and decide to make changes in the report options, you can repeat the steps described in the "Release Results" section to release a new version of the report.
  • Be aware that all previously released results will be removed from the exam-taker portal.
  • Each time that you go through the steps, be sure to select all of the exam-takers that you want to receive the results. If you select only one exam-taker (for example, someone who was left out of the first release), all of the previously released results will be removed, and only that exam-taker will have a report to view.


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