Enterprise Portal: View the Item Analysis Report

You can use the Item Analysis Report to gain insights about the questions used on an assessment. 

Note: The item analysis report does not include essay questions.


Report Details

The report includes statistics about the overall assessment, with additional statistics for each question and each answer choice.

Assessment Performance Statistics

  • Mean
  • Median
  • Minimum Score
  • Maximum Score
  • Standard Deviation
  • KR20 (a measure of exam reliability)

Note: If your institution is participating in the Insights beta, the KR-20 metric will be replaced with Cronbach's Alpha.


Question Performance Statistics

For each question, you'll see:

  • Number of correct and incorrect responses
  • Number of exam-takers who did not attempt the question
  • Percentage of high-performing exam-takers (upper 27% of scores) who answered correctly
  • Percentage of low-performing exam-takers (lower 27% of scores) who answered correctly 
  • Point Biserial (a measure of item reliability)
  • Difficulty Ranking and Discrimination Index (measures of item quality)

Answer Choice Details

For each answer choice, you'll see:

  • Percentage of exam-takers who selected it
  • Percentage of high-performing exam-takers (upper 27% of scores) who selected it
  • Percentage of low-performing exam-takers (lower 27% of scores) who selected it
  • Point Biserial (a measure of item reliability)
  • Discrimination Index (a measure of item quality)

Note: For help interpreting the statistics, see: A Guide to the Statistics



  1. Log in to your institution's ExamSoft portal.
  2. Select your course and your assessment.
  3. Select the View Assessment tab (near the top left corner of the screen).


  4. Select the check box for each question that you want to include, or select the check box in the header row to select all questions.
  5. Select the Export button in the menu at the bottom of the screen.
    Note: If your institution is participating in the Insights beta, the KR-20 metric will be replaced with Cronbach's Alpha.


  6. In the pop-up menu, select Item Analysis Report, Export as PDF, and finally, the Export button (at the bottom of the menu).


    After a few seconds, the Item Analysis Preview appears on the screen.

    Note: Alternatively, you select other options in the pop-up menu:

    • Basic Export option: Select this option if you want basic details about each question, such as the ID, question type, creator, and rationale. Optionally, to include all versions of the questions, select the Include version history checkbox. The information will be exported into a CSV file. No performance statistics are included.
    • Item Analysis Report option, with Export as CSV sub-option: Select these options to export the full Item Analysis Report in a CSV file rather than a PDF.
  7. Review the preview, and then select Export PDF (near the top right corner of the screen) to download the PDF file.
  8. After the file is downloaded, select Cancel to close the Preview.


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